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Posts posted by devilslayersbane




    An MP5, really?

    Giving the medic a submachine gun is an interesting choice, we'll have to see how it plays out. However, an MP5 doesn't really seem like the best choice for APB, especially since it already will feature prominently in AR. IMO it would be better to have a Sterling or something similarly vintage (if someone were to model it, that is).


    Personally, I think that the MP5 is a good choice, but I'd prefer the MP5A2 or the MP5F...maybe even the original HK54. Also, due to the ROF on the silenced baretta, I feel like that could be changed to an MP5SD with a shortened clip. Essentially, the medic needs a fixed buttstock.


    Personally I'd much rather see a Sterling or MAT-49, or an MP34 or MP40, but that's just me.


    I'd agree, but much of the technology in RA is either vietnam-era tech or is based off of vietnam-era tech (some of it later, like the AH-64 and the Mi-24) but what I'd really like is for a bit more choice. Like, maybe one medic skin gets an M16A1 and another an MP5. Providing for more playstyles.


    An MP5, really?

    Giving the medic a submachine gun is an interesting choice, we'll have to see how it plays out. However, an MP5 doesn't really seem like the best choice for APB, especially since it already will feature prominently in AR. IMO it would be better to have a Sterling or something similarly vintage (if someone were to model it, that is).


    Personally, I think that the MP5 is a good choice, but I'd prefer the MP5A2 or the MP5F...maybe even the original HK54. Also, due to the ROF on the silenced baretta, I feel like that could be changed to an MP5SD with a shortened clip. Essentially, the medic needs a fixed buttstock.

  3. Empire of Da’lian

    The republic of Da’lian was created after the War of the Enterprises. It was created by international treaty and business contracts in order to keep peace between the theocratic Jirilan and the Corporatocracy of Danse who both desired the continent of Da’lian and started the first world war in the planet's history. The other nations of the world watched as the strategic continent and her people were torn apart by 600 years (150 Earth years) of war. The then fledgling republic began to grow and prosper to the Nation with the highest standards of living in only 700 years. People flocked to it from all over due to the rich natural resources and open space. What was once just a number of territories inhabited by a small population of 300,000 people was now a rich and diverse nation of over 10,000,000,000 people. In the year 15693, the first emperor was made the defacto leader due to constitutional amendment because of how popular he was. Today, his grandson, Jeff Higgins III, now has taken over his reign.


    The Imperial Self Defense Force (ISDF)

    The ISDF was created from the first charter established by Jeff Higgins I from the remains of the RSDF before it. It hasn’t changed much in the 1300 years since it’s inception and relies heavily on shock tactics and brute force. Certain situations have called for a more planned approach, and as such situations occur, they have units specialized for the job. However, if you can’t make peace with the Empire, the Empire will force peace with you.



    • Rate of fire/damage on weapons
    • Number of units to be easily placed on the field
    • Heavy use of explosives and armor piercing weaponry
    • Highly trained military
    • Infantry can use units outside of their standard, though this is and must be deliberately done via command.



    • Over-reliance on brute force (few specialized units)
    • Lighter armor on most vehicles
    • Little training with guerilla-style forces
    • Only highest tier base defenses are automated

    Empire color [x]

  4. Im surprised no change came to coastal influence, but hopefully the navy buffs should help a bit...

    You're right, the flight ceiling wasn't raised. Yay! this mean we can all rubberband on trees if we try to fly at any altitude other than max.\


    And the hind's weapon is still using the same sound as the pillbox.

  5. The Allied document is superb, although it is missing naval information. Not only is the feel of the allied one right, it covers something need for every newbie tactics.

    That is the ultimate goal. I wanted to provide something immersive and entertaining to read, while actually going over real tactics that can be used in the field.

  6. This topic is to obviously show how rick rolling hurts women, women of color, and especially trans women of color. I mean this is definitely a women's issue and should be put on the same level as cat calling, which, as we all know, perpetuates rape culture and patriarchy (which, while neither of these things have been proven with unbiased empirical data, we all know they exist). I mean, next we'll be putting men into camps because that's perfectly reasonable. I'm going to stop now because I get very heated with this topic.

  7. True- but I joined that game toward the end, when soviets were already boxed in. It is hard to maintain field control when your tanks cost more, and they are slow. Allies can operate solo, thanks to fast vehicles, and mechs, while soviet tanks need to travel in at least pairs. One thing I have noticed is the power of Tesla tanks- capable of ripping away 20 something percent of a med's armor in 1 shot... paired with a heavy, or mamy to cower behind, it makes a deadly opponent. also noticed that games even out when hinds come into play...


    Im not so sure the navies are so balanced though- subs are powerful, make no mistake, but they are a bit hard to get out.... or is it just coastal influence being better for allies?

    Costal influence is a very Naval focused map. If the Soviets don't take out the Naval yard early game, then the rest of the game is spend getting practically wrecked by destroyers.

  8. Right, but files can be cleared for Anti-cheat, yes? I remember catalyst doing this over at BHP because my sound mod changes the M113's driving sound. This caused a problem with the anticheat there because the phase tank uses the same sound and so it could have been a cheat file.

  9. With the release of APB Delta, I have elected to release version 2.0 of my soundmod. WARNING: This mod is not as nostalgia boner. It's aim is to provide a more realistic yet unique sound experience within the bounds of the Red Alert universe. This mod is a collection of high-quality sounds put together that gives each vehicle and weapon a unique feel, though some weapons remain untouched (shock-rifle, and some others). You should now be able to turn UP your effects volume without destroying your ear-drums!


    You can find the mod itself here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/ok44r16404qeanq/devilssoundmod2.rar

    Or here: http://www.bluehellproductions.com/forum/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=102 - Outdated


    Installation instructions:

    Open up the archive using 7z, winRAR, etc.

    Open up a windows explorer page to the apb data folder. This folder by default should be C:\Program files (x86 if you run a 64bit OS)\W3D Hub\apb-release\data\

    -- NOTE --

    This folder is not the "user data folder" that you can access via the launcher

    Extract the contents from the archive via drag and drop or your more advanced method of choice.


    Don't like a sound such as the Soviet Demohorn? Certain sounds may be easy to find, feel free to remove any sounds you desire. However, this mod is recommended as a whole package. Please leave feedback in this thread.


    Forum admins: I feel like this is the best place to put mods like this until the correct infrastructure is in place. Thank you for understanding.

  10. Some of you may remember a thread on the BHP forums that I kinda let die even though what we were doing was really cool. I really enjoyed it and were it not for a HDD malfunction, I would still have the old finale I had set up for my faction's campaign. But I want to do it again. So like last time, we'll do this in 3 phases:


    Phase 1:

    -- Introduce Faction Units, upgrades, powers, and backstory (structures optional)

    -- 2 weeks from post date to join, though the backstory can be put in a separate post


    Phase 2:

    -- First Contact

    -- Establish local realm

    -- Maps?

    -- What alliances are made

    -- 4-6 weeks


    Phase 3:

    -- Independent campaigns

    -- no real time limit (just keep it reasonable)


    I'm going to start a Google doc on this to keep everything straight. Once you post a faction, pm me and I'll give you the details so you can add your faction.



    -- Each faction must have a weakness (ex. My previous NATO faction did not have any super powers, though the units themselves were very well rounded)

    -- The first backstory to be posted sets up a good portion of the terrain setting.

    -- The caveat to this is that the first backstory cannot already be on the terrain, they must find it somehow.

    -- Only one faction can pre-exist on the terrain.

    -- You can lonewolf your faction; however, you cannot make peace with ALL of the factions

    -- It is to be presumed that no matter the technological prowess, your faction MUST be able to be beaten (extension of the weakness rule)

    -- A poll may be held to see if a unit is OP, if it is, that unit's weakness is that there is only one.

    -- No factions from the former thread may be used

    -- No official C&C or other RTS faction may be used (derivatives acceptable. You may also have "conquered" technology from these factions)

    -- Only the community can raise a question on the OPness of a unit or faction.

    -- have fun.

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