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Posts posted by MPRA2

  1. Doesn't the "defend harvester" logic only apply to each AI protecting its own harvester? Like, if you attack AI player red's harvester, AI player blue isn't going to come charging you with everything he has. I'm also pretty sure the AI doesn't tailor its strategy to any particular map or anything...it just seems to spam defenses as part of its cookie-cutter build.

    I've never seen 75 civilians at once...maybe 20-30ish? And most of them aren't shockies.

    It must be random... Also, every time i go near their villiage attack a civilian or structure, all the times I played the civilians would pop out of their houses by the tens, and bum rush any player on the map. That "defense" logic does apply to the AI. I could show you on C&C64, tibdawn or Tibsun if you need clarification.... i'd just have to dust my old computer and nintendo off....
  2. RA Aftermath, on the map "The Hills have Eyes" there's a bunch of civilians with souped-up stats and armed to the teeth with flamethrowers, machine guns, tesla coils and nukes. They constantly spawn and randomly attack players.

    They run off of the "AI defends harvester" script that I'm sure you've all noticed from TibDawn up until TibSun. (for those who don't, its when you attack an enemy harvester, any and all enemy units will try and brutally destroy your base.) You go near their town, or attack them or any buildings, a good 75 civilians (for each player in the game) mostly armed with souped up Shock Rifles will zerg rush your base, the only good defense here would be the Tesla Coil, which instantly kills any civilian. Tanya i think works too, but I'm fairly certain the civilians have vehicle armor presets. Its been too long since I played THHE since I cannot get my old C&C games to work right on this new desktop, and for some reason I cant even play Generals because the game lags so horribly as well as a really bad screen stutter when i move around the map.

    I cant exactly remember, but there was this one time where the enemy AI never left the base because they were scared of the civilians. they built like 40 pillboxes and only had 5 turrets, and for some reason the civilians just randomly bum rushed during the first 3 minutes of the match which never happened before..... I lost 4 brave Christmas trees that day, and fuck all the rifle soldiers I lost, they are expendable as pennies.

  3. The important thing to remember with the Colt (and other pistols) is that its bullets are hitscan, no need to lead the target like you do with other small arms, just click directly on the enemy and there's your hit.


    The M16 secondary is nowhere near as good in close quarters due to needing to lead the target, having about half the rate of fire, and having much heavier jumping penalties than the Colt.

    THATS WHY I CAN'T AIM! I'm not really good with leading targets that constantly running/hopping around and dance like they are little kids trying to avoid Jared from Subway.

    granted I notice that I'm slightly better with the HitScanned weapons like the pistol only on FOI for some reason. I should probably try to teach myself how to lead my shots to counter soldiers who stay in "Bounce House" mode for firefights....

    granted i suck with Manya...... because >>>> Bad with gunfighting

  4. Yeah, this fantastic piece of work is out and buggier than the original release. But totally worth the $20. My experience so far is; buggy as fuck AI in MPI amd SP, when doing coop MPI, the enemy AI is the equivilent to that of a brutal streamroller, sound cuts in multiplayer, halfway through CCA Mission 1 my game crashes, NSDF campaign wont load, and decent to poor framerates in Strat games.

    DM is actually perfectly fine. I played with Devilslayersbane last night and I enjoyed getting sniped out of my tank, or in mid air. Beautiful Nostalgia. Seriously, no sarcasm whatsoever....... I really do enjoy the HD remake. Oh and, the campaign is fairly smooth from what I could play....

  5. It's almost guaranteed it'd be too much work for almost no return, for a number of reasons. Especially since, what percentage of the players of APB are gonna even have VR capable computers any time soon?

    You're right to a point. the minimum requirements for VR to work is to have the NVIDIA GTX 970 (which is a nice high end GPU thats just below the 980 and Titan X) and a good 4.0Ghz processor, which could take up to almost $1500-$3000 USD depending on what the computer is going to be fitted with. my computer ran me $1399.99 total, and that was with a $100 discount. Ontop of that, VR headsets go from $200-$1000 I believe. so you would be spending a lot just to meet the minimum requirements to use the headset/run it's programs.

  6. I've been thinking of a few past maps I (slightly hated at first, but began to enjoy) CamosCrossing, GlacierHT/LT, The Woods Today, and A Path Beyond (even though I've never played the very early versions online to experience that map).

    I also had a few ideas that might be do-able if you take your own APB spin on them; Tunnel Training, or Springnight (http://dta.ppmsite.com/images/maps/preview/springnight.png) they are just suggestions.... randomly ripped off the internet somewhere.

  7. FUCK........... i was hoping for more naval penetration goodness..... now i gotta rq.

    cant wait for Hostile Waters. please tell me its gonna be like pacific threat, and not be an entire base minus the war factory.....

    we need more NAVAL CENTERED maps. or fuck it, just make a map with 2 silos, a barracks, and a naval production center, and have it be larger than Ridge War. I'm sure once the Naval combat becomes a bit more balanced, people will love some naval only maps.

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