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Posts posted by des1206

  1. 3 hours ago, Pushwall said:
    • Tesla Tanks now reveal Phase Tanks on radar within 75m (which is the max distance of the radar anyway). Like with the Engineer's mine detector, other Soviets can see the Phase's radar marker. AI Tesla Tanks also emulate this by being the only bot unit that can detect stealth.

    Does this also apply to detecting GAP cloaked units?

    Also some spawned infantry die right away on camos.

    Lastly is there anyway to make the AI units a little less lethal? They aim too good. :D


    Overall great patch. Loving the new Hind sound and AI logic. Clearing charges can now clear hedges effectively! TT zoom will help in sniping those pesky infantry and PTs.

  2. Woah, lots of balance changes. What's with the mammoth range and RPG nerf?

    The Phase Tank radar proof aspect is going to be interesting. No more worrying about Hinds or narrow corridors on small radar-less maps. 

    Hopefully APC wouldn't turn into a hard counter to Hind. 

    Can Radar Jammer's range be set as a function of map length (like 1/3x of map lenght)? This way small maps can have radar domes and it wouldn't be OP to have a RJ with its currenty 350m range. 

  3. I noticed it's much harder to kill infantry w/armor now with Mammoth tusk missile splash. Also, RJ's range boost is giving it a couple of additional hiding places on many maps, this is going to be fun. Also Mammoth's smoke emission and new nuclear missile strike speed are both very cool.

    PS: Did you know, the world's fast sprint is about 25 miles/hour, this comes out to be about 12m/s. So our infantry sprint speed (tops off at ~9m/s) is fairly accurate?

    @Pushwall so in general, the more anti-infantry guns (except sniper and Tanya's desert eagle, and tesla/nuke aside), the more effective it is at getting through/shredding armor. Armor though is very effective at protecting infantry from indirect explosion damage.

    I wonder if headshots ignore armor?

  4. With the sprint speed increase, I feel like the "fast" units like Tanya/Nader/Volkov don't run that fast anymore compared to the other lesser tiered infantries?


    I also noticed how Tesla weapons directly skip Infantry armor now and hits their health only. PushWall can you explain to us what types of damages armor reduces against?

  5. A few hours ago we hit some switches, and the people we were able to play with seemed to be having a bit of an easier time with lag. Let us know if it's improved for you as well!

    Sorry didn't get a chance to play this game until today. Nope lag is still very bad. Funny thing though the ping stayed very low (around 130).


    In any case thanks for reminding me about this thread Bayonetta! Support for the removal of passengers and restoration of personal space seems to be overwhelming, so I'll get on that for the next patch.




    Would the Mammoth at least get to keep its passenger seat? That tank is huge and Soviets could use an extra engineer ride-along to help with mines. 


    There is a very good reason as to why I'm going to say no to a stealth transport.

    welp....... I tried.........

    wasnt thinking at the time how OP a stealth transport would be, no matter how many it carried because mining still isnt a thing that happens 100% of the time.



    Everybody worries about Tanyas. Have you seen how good a PT+Engin combo is? Mines can't even stop that, the PT can start shooting and kill the building by the time the C4 explodes. 

  8. While we're looking for ways to make the APC's transport ability more relevant, let's let the phase tank do it too.  :what:


    "Standing still" is a dubious term for vehicles; it can be hard to bring a vehicle to a complete standstill (though easier for tracked ones) and if you have the FPS/velocity display enabled you may have noticed that even if you have managed to get a vehicle to stop completely, if it's on a slope it still reports as moving at something like 0.08m/s.


    Something that could be done is something similar to how the Engineer's mine detection works; give infantry a script that makes it so if they're within a certain distance of a Phase Tank, the Phase Tank gets a radar marker temporarily attached to it. Since Volkov is part machine, maybe not being so easily fooled by tricks of the light could be another niche for him, creating an unusual dynamic where he's good at sniffing out phases but is also the easiest infantry for phases to kill due to tracking. Or alternatively, it could be a thing for the Shock Trooper for similar reasons to why the Tesla Tank jams radar?


    Can we just do the logic where if vehicle velocity < 2m/s, PT becomes radar invisible? This will get around the vehicle still slightly moving while standing still issue. It also wont be abused because surely accelerating the PT at all will bring its speed pass the 2m/s limit.


    Infantry idea not bad if they could be done easily. 

  9. Is there anyway we can make the PT have no radar signature when it is standing still? This will help the PT better ambush passing Soviet armor instead of having to make a big loop around them first like all other units. This will also address smaller maps where PTs have no room to navigate behind attacking Soviet forces without being seen. Gameplay will be a bit more exciting too as you sit and wait for your "prey" to passby before unleashing your missiles. 


    A potential imbalance I would see is when players in PT "crawl" into Soviet bases without defenses stealthily. Or just that PTs will be too difficult for Soviets to counter in the field. Would that be too OP?

  10. I posted this idea back on the BHP forum...it was to just get rid of the Construction Yards and just let all buildings self-repair. So yeah, that way on a bunch of maps you don't need to run out to repair that damaged Pillbox at the very edge of your base. Also, not having a Construction Yard would allow your base to be more compact and easier to defend. I don't think I ever saw any response as to whether people liked this idea or disliked it, but anyway here it is again.

    I would still like to get the CY in the game for the sake of Ralism. 

  11. Hey guys, has the European server been changed recently? I'm playing the game from US and recently I have been getting tons of lag (never happened before), to the point that the game is not playable for me anymore. There have been no changes on my side in terms of hardware or software.

  12. Would being healed by medics or jumping into vehicles quickly negate Shock's damage now?


    Also, if C4s are now effective against vehicles, I wonder if we can allow Tanya to throw hers a bit further so she can C4 tanks in the field. We can put a blocker at the base of coil to prevent abuse of throwing C4 up too high. 

  13. The CY repair is good enough to halt lone wolfs who decide that while the entire enemy army is busy fighting off a tank rush, they can sneak in and finish off the refinery with one captain or rifle soldier. I say leave it as it is. Introducing delay-repair would cause a whole bunch of new balance issues because the current system, though slow, buys time for the team to respond to sneaky rushes etc. It promotes skill.


    Lone wolves who sneak in while the rest of the army is distracted should be rewarded for being strategic in his use of diversion though.

  14. Right now, the Construction Yard auto repairs buildings. Defenses get repaired at a good rate, but main buildings repair very slowly. I think this was balanced on purpose to encourage attacker and make the game more fun.


    The idea of a CY is that - If you manage to repel a wave of attackers, the buildings can fix themselves during the breathing period before the next wave of attacks, and you are freed to do other stuff. However, right now I feel that main buildings repair at such a slow rate that there is almost no point to self-repair. Nobody just leave a damaged building alone, more often than not people always switch character to repair it. But making main buildings repair faster will make the game less fun and encourage turtling.


    Is there anyway to do a delayed-repair logic to CY? It a building gets damaged, auto-repair won't start until 15 seconds without being damaged, but it will repair faster than it is now. This way, CY can do its job effectively without discouraging attackers. 

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