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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. We've been sharing movesets for our viable pokemon and bouncing ideas off each other on how we're going to kill mewtwo the whole time.
  2. I used articuno in the battle where we killed KY's wartortle if you're insinuating Jeod told KY my legendary.
  3. Soon after opening the doc. It's been going for a couple days now.
  4. Someone used a master ball on articuno and if I lose another pokemon I'm out.
  5. Do you like blizzards? I hope you like blizzards.
  6. That just keeps encouraging him to hyperfocus you.
  7. Goddamn it you two, can you stop bickering and realize neither of you are scum?
  8. Are you sure you can only target injured pokemon? Anyway looks like losing articuno counts as a faint as well.
  9. I mean it depends on if he's involved with stealing articuno and attacking houndoom. 2 trainings though.
  10. Okay now you're just living in your alternative universe now.
  11. Except he claimed phanphy and delibird BEFORE you claimed. You're copying him from my perspective (not that I care). We know Jeod has a heracross, jolteon (can't remember if it's ever been revealed, but he claimed before we claimed lists), and I can't remember if we talked about lapras before the lists.
  12. If it's three rocket members, they would have had started separate. If they started separate, then that would explain why Jeod's claim seems so useless. I would suspect cat5 in that case.
  13. I know protective abilities are common scum claims shade. I thought it was a scummy claim as well. It mostly comes down to feeling Irish is the more likely contender for scum buddy. An even weaker ability claim similar to a passive scum had last game.
  14. No, but circumstances resulted in making it easy to verify most of the abilities for everyone. It could easily be the same with Jeod, where whatever circumstances have limited scum's ability to attack us have limited his role's usefulness.
  15. It's a mistake to assume you know what is going through scum's mind when town is aware they're scum. WOW YOU'RE RIGHT! THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING. Wait, except that means that my ability was also pretty much useless for all those nights...
  16. If scum only got access to them when the 4th investigation completed, then they've had other priorities. Have to keep a watch out for my tracking ability and KY only had 2 coins (while training mewtwo.).
  17. Anyway, Jeod's an acceptable choice for this fight. It's probably sunflora, unless Cat5 is scum. Easy fight.
  18. It's almost like a base state of 680 is only really exceed by mega evolutions and arceus or something.
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