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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. I'd be worried about a gyrados in that situation though.
  2. If we can one shot mewtwo, how do we feel about including Irish?
  3. Remember that Orange didn't design the game for 7 players.
  4. You have no way of distinguishing if the reason for duplicates are coincidence, players taste in pokemon being similar (if you didn't consider eevee you're lying), or your theory on scum being given duplicates. Sunflower's phanpy and delibird are likely because she made a cutesy team (don't ask me about grimer lol) for example.
  5. I think KY's pokemon would be the only survivor in that matchup.
  6. I wasn't sure if you were claiming a total of 4 actions on you last night (damage, steal, item, something else). Speaking of steal, it would fit if Irish was additional item space + steal ability.
  7. So does anyone want to take credit for the actions performed on shade, or are we living in a weird world where scum tries to deflect suspicion from town players?
  8. Originally this was planned when I had articuno. Now it's just a bit less effective.
  9. Shade could I get a math check on how much damage a houndoom crunch does to mewtwos?
  10. So Irish should be able to claim what item he gave shade then. After all he has no abilities beside extra storage.
  11. Yeah. I suspect they found snorlax more threatening though.
  12. I saw Irish visit shade last night, so I’m going to want people to claim their actions on shade. Shade can confirm them.
  13. Forces him to spend a pokecoin using an item and then use another pokecoin to shop for one. 2 pokecoins left for other things.
  14. Could you explain your logic on this? Why would someone lie about having a pokemon that incriminates them?
  15. Yeah, even if we know mewtwo will win, we can force KY to heal him.
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