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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. I have to give it to you Orange, we have had A LOT of these this game.
  2. Length has been mostly fine. It's more that we've reached a point, absent another game changing revelation, that we know Irish's team has won.
  3. I'm about as checked out on this game as Jeod was.
  4. Agreed. Basically have to hope that cat5 is scum. ##nominate Irish ##Rocket cat5 ##earlyhammer
  5. Yeah, I literally cannot kill a Pokemon with 154 base special defense. Nobody has any rock type pokemon to exploit the 4x weakenss either.
  6. About that seel that was presumably targeted.
  7. I forgot about the battle because of risk of rain 2 lol. It It is very amusing to get the kill 15 enemies simultaneously achievement when you're not paying attention. Tip for brig: Sunny day is a good move.
  8. I was thinking that myself lol. What are you guys using to run battles? Psypokes is down for me so I can't simulate my chances.
  9. On the subject of legendaries, that Irish was given an egg is my biggest source of doubt for him to be scum. Seems like Town was randomly given eggs while KY got his as a reward.
  10. I can't calculate stats atm. Porygon2 with triattack if you want to.
  11. I didn't realize water type is resistant to steel. I just assumed steel wing would be super effective against it.
  12. I think I do worse damage wise, but with the potential to survive much longer.
  13. It might be best to try scizor today just because cat5 can survive a fight.
  14. They're both base 100 speed so it should be RNG which goes first. Might be down to who is trainer and rocket in this game though.
  15. With sunny day thunder only hits half the time while powering up ninetales moves.
  16. I'd rather not lose ninetails against lapras when it has a decent matchup against zapdos.
  17. Lapras fight could also be a blowout either way though.
  18. I figured out how I can win that fight, but it's dependent on some luck. Could be a blowout either way.
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