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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. Huh, good to know. I don't know how interested you are in collecting more votes Jeod (your ascension seems assured), but that would be something I'd be willing to compromise on.
  2. Houses with the same faith as the king get bonuses.
  3. I was not making a mechanical argument. We know so little about our own roles that I think the only significant thing we know is our religion. For me that's Faith of the Seven.
  4. Pirates are cowardly parasites who sustain themselves only through robbing the defenseless of their hard-earned goods and fleeing from any sign of actual resistance. There is little nobility in cutting down a starving man armed with only a rusty pitchfork. Out of character, I don’t think I want to see Voe with a lot of power. He’s very much an ask questions later kind of guy when he’s in a position like that. I don’t think I want that in a king. ##vote Retaliation
  5. I will construct a citadel the likes of which has never been seen in Westeros. It will be a magnificent structure, glorifying our great culture while simultaneously protecting our fair lands from intruders from the north.
  6. Why vote for a rabbit, when you can vote for a primarch?
  7. The more time he spends replying to your posts the more time until we see our roles!
  8. Not sure how active I'm going to be able to be. I think I'm going to have to request vert makes/RNGs a character for me.
  9. I was wondering if anyone else felt that. I forgot we played like 5 versions of those games. Yet it's the best example of a vert game mechanic that I can remember. Also proves my point that I help scum until what I'm doing throws them off.
  10. I think I tended to lose those? Vert games also tend to rely on mechanics that come out of left field like Yuri in ausgleich.
  11. I think I've done it most of the games where we're on the same side. Should mention it generally hurts my team, but eventually causes scum to make mistakes. Games I remember going rambo. This game - both town Ausgleich - both pluralist (?) Star Wars - Can't remember July Crisis - Get caned nerd
  12. Has anyone else noticed the games where I go rambo and play by my own rules are the ones I win?
  13. Maybe? KY being outed shutdown discussion for the day. I might have figured out brig and mojo were scum earlier than the end of the day if stuff was happening. If you're going to be paralyzed by the thought of the result being wrong, the cop might as well not exist.
  14. I'll give you half points. I don't think you would have objected to lynching Louis if I told you I had a mafia result on her. Mass cop claims would have been worth it if the doc wasn't janitor'd night one imo. Still let me sneak in my innocent result on Orange without anyone realizing until it was too late.
  15. Good job figuring out the final two scum vanilla squad!
  16. Not really sure how to move forward at this point unfortunately.
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