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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. Because I think Orange is likely a rebel and controlling the vote on me?
  2. The majority is likely to be controlled by rebels.
  3. He is, it's also just something that felt right to yell at Shrek.
  4. I don't want to lose my house/capital abilities before I even get to use them QQ. It's a bad deal anyway. If Orange is scum he'd only agree to it if he's not going to face punishment. If Orange is royalist you lose TWO royalists!
  5. If you're not a rebel, one of them has to be a rebel.
  6. I'm assuming it's an improvement over the reality where shade's alignment isn't known and you two are wasting breath in the actual game thread.
  7. Pretty reckless's last post was when we were voting king so likely not a rebel. That means there's only 5 potential players who could be rebels (I'm assuming Shade is the hand). Voe Orange Irish sun Louis
  8. Eh I could see the rider text about automatic depletion causing misinterpretation.
  9. I feel that's inconsistent with you remaining loyal. See being hard to convert is good when the royalists are in a dominant position like now. If it was 50:50 though? 75:25? All of a sudden you're on the side that's disfavored with no out. Sure you can just not aid the king, but then you have to survive a day being one of the few royalists against a bunch of coordinated players. It's also useless as a rebel so there has to be more to it (not really evidence for you being a rebel, first post hints at subterfuge house actions). I get the feeling you're willing to put your credibility on the line because after tonight rebels will be favored as you've also noted (possible conversion and attack a loyalist house?).
  10. I remember something about that the second day of King Jeod's reign, not the first.
  11. The balance between rebel and royalist players. Anyway I'm back so I can look for it.
  12. While you’re waiting, could you find if Orange said if he expected the forces to be rebel or royalist favored.
  13. Let me get to my computer. I’m about 5 minutes from home.
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