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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. 2 things I can outlay quickly though. The nights watch has several night actions which can be used once per rebellion like many of our actions. One of those actions is to vote a Lord Commander. I'm already putting my name in the hat for being first exiled .
  2. So like I should probably elaborate on wall mechanics aye?
  3. See that might be a fair analysis, and I suspected that voe was crying crocodile tears when he voted me. But I don't really care anymore, and I was promised you'd take the blame for the mislynch. I no longer care about this pointless game you nobles play. There are wildlings that must be kept on the proper side of the wall.
  4. 10,000 stalwart men willing to put down their lives rather than have their liege face the dishonor of exile.
  5. If you guys can't appreciate some mild roleplaying during an extended joke phase, that's you're problem. Well I guess it became my problem, but it started as your problem.
  6. Not even the decency to finish me off? You had best watch the North my 'liege", Dorn is no longer here to protect you!
  7. The case on Orange seems a lost cause, even you don't support it. I might as well try investigating others I've been suspicious of before I'm walled.
  8. I don't know her very well so I've been hesitant to bring her up. Stuff like this is why I've been apprehensive voting you. We don't need a politician. We need a pirate.
  9. Have we considered Louis? She mostly just pops in to say something and bow out fairly quick. Resolve this feud between Orange and I tomorrow.
  10. I should also mention that another reason I didn't want to rebel is that I have a debuff to offensive actions.
  11. So what you're saying is that you can finally be scum mason this game?
  12. No matter what you do, I feel like fate is going to send me to the wall lol. No, but I thought it would be a convenient way to power each other up while having an excuse for scum slips.
  13. Honestly it wouldn't surprise me if Orange is targeting me specifically because he knows from past games that I'm an easy target.
  14. Eh, I'm mostly flailing about trying to stay alive. You're also connected to Orange via alliance so I've been trying to fit that into an "Orange is scum" paradigm.
  15. Even I voted Jeod in the end. When Vert asked if I was going Royalist or Rebel, I said that if you participate in a vote and don't accept the results you're a coward.
  16. Look, I make poor scum. I know this, and my inability to win anyone over during the king vote was a good reminder. So I took inspiration from my avatar and decided if I can't BE king, I could at least defend him.
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