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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. The problem is, I don't think I can reliably do that.
  2. I've been silent on if houndoom is my primary because I want to see how people argue for our trainer nominee. 3 of my pokemon are competitive against sunflower now (thanks cat5). I think even with houndoom we'll have to whittle mewtwo down with a couple fights.
  3. I honestly can't remember star wars mafia all that well.
  4. She's been aggressive and in-your-face all game which is unusual for scum. She is the only player who can sniff out what pokemon people are using, important for investigations.
  5. If you think brig is scum you've lost your marbles.
  6. I'm not counting that first post. Cat5, could I get a dose of those vitamins?
  7. That's fine, wartortle is goin to have a hard time dealing damage anyway.
  8. Maybe! Who have you assisted with training Cat?
  9. I feel like the disguises thing was meant to softly end that line of questioning.
  10. Eh, houndoom was revived the same night Jeod revealed moltres was his bird. Did you ever train KY?
  11. Other than me, he is the only one with a claimed fire type pokemon. Ground and rock are easily covered by sunflora.
  12. As for Brig, town is the side that cares what pokemon people have due to investigations.
  13. I think you can safely discount Jeod and Brig. The only evidence we have that Jeod could be scum is the voltorb result, which was given by KY.
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