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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. What if you RNG'd Louis/Shade/Anon as a scumteam though?
  2. @Shade939 Did you intend to kill anon or not? What would you have done if anon was town?
  3. I was thinking it could be Shade/Louis on a scum team, but that's hilarious as well.
  4. What's your justification for being willing to shoot anon but not lynch him?
  5. I wouldn't go off on someone having a stuck result if I thought they made a shot in good faith.
  6. You're making the mistake of interpreting it as me saying we have a spy instead of you being a spy would explain your behavior.
  7. You got a stuck result? You could just be unlucky and I'm overestimating you. We've had two games in a row where town shoots first D1 to little suspicion. Scum is going to pick up on that at some point and now Shade's saying he thinks anon is scum by shooting but not willing to vote? @Jeod I got that part I just don't really know what you're talking about with stats v spy thing and how scum relates to it.
  9. Eh probably better to lynch him with so little time left actually.
  10. Those games were fun, but I think having iLTS on the scum team was really dragging down the difficulty.
  11. I'm not being that extreme. I'd just prefer that if we're unsure if a new player made a scum slip/comment D1 we should err on no lynch. I can't remember if announcing you're having dinner was supposed to be a scum tell or not.
  12. I generally prefer to start doing that after they've had a scum game under their belt. Having the opportunity to ask other players in a doc what to do rather than figuring everything out for themselves is a big deal. Ideally Anon should have had something like that with FRAYDO in his first game, but well...
  13. Rather there's nothing stopping the GM from swapping alignments around afterward if they felt the player balance was off. RNG is just a good starting point to ward off players trying to read the GM.
  14. You should always assume alignments are partially RNG because there's nothing stopping the GM from altering the results.
  15. Watching too much It'sHafu Among Us lobbies really messes with how cutthroat you play mafia.
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