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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. How dare you confuse me with someone advocating reasoned and measured murdering instead of a RDMing. That's the spirit!
  2. We need to get serious and shoot someone before we get too silly and/or start divining roles present based on how the GM talks.
  3. It's very sus that KY is not revealing who his secret upvoter is. What is he up to? Also he hasn't voted himself yet. Very curious... ##vote Killing_You
  4. What if the thing Jeod is waiting for someone to mention is talking about the thing he's waiting for someone to mention?
  5. Hot take: Orange upvoted a non public KY post so he could go back to publicly upvoting KY's posts.
  6. Actually yeah it's more likely that it's from a post in a section I can't see.
  7. Which means some wierdo upvoted a post he made in december or earlier.
  8. The only upvote I can find for today is yours Orange :S.
  9. aktually i believe if you look at the history of the cnc franchise red alert was supposed to be a prequel to cnc and so the soviets have always been in tib timeline games
  10. Scum have also never won a game where we've shot D1.
  11. Avatars are dumb and historically scum have always had avatars.
  12. No, you would have scarified Shade. Shade's too likely to ruin the gambit by saying something unbelievably dumb.
  13. The dreams of a Packers superbowl win have been dashed, but my Dark Angels army is going to be wildly overpowered so I'll take what I can get.
  14. Give initiates a fake public shooting action and one they send via PM.
  15. Hahaha, you are funny man comrade! Why are you in Red Army instead of comedian?
  16. If you only have hit rolls while sticking with 25, 50, 75, and 100 percent chances (like if you're using actual d4 dice) you can only have those as your overall kill chances for a shot. With two rolls you can get a 18% chance to kill despite having a 25% chance to hit. If you used a d100 based system you could pretty freely skip the stuck chances.
  17. I've been very lazy about actually formalizing what I want out of the game because I wasn't sure if I'd get a job the last couple of weeks. That didn't pan out so I'm free to start that process.
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