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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. We can say that whoever was roleblocked today was NOT the killer.
  2. So who voted no lynch yesterday? Reminder that I unvoted from no lynch if you wanted full disclosure.
  3. The nice thing about roleblockers is that they're kind of expendable. @Category 5 Hurricane what's the odds on me being the spy now ?
  4. Packers win AND scum lynch? Pretty good couple of hours right there. Mojo IIRC. Pro tip, you can see all of a players posts and not just the most recent ones by hitting the see their activity button on their profile (opposite of their avatar on the Red Alert theme). Then you just ctrl+f for whatever ##action you're looking for. I unvoted from no lynch because I didn't want to lock us into a no lynch while I was away.
  5. Now that I think more on that, I'd probably include that interaction because the vibe was "Scummy or irrelevant things for $1000 dollars, Alex (rip)".
  6. Up until he started going at you for not shooting back at me.
  7. Mojo was giving me the same kind of vibes early on that he did last game.
  8. It's because he's talking like a stubborn madman which is how he usually plays as town. Someone remind me how Shade plays as scum.
  9. Wait didn't realize we were tied between snipe and no lynch. ##unvote.
  10. I should probably take my vote off the mojoman. ##vote no lynch
  11. The nice thing about all the shooting last game was that it gave us something to talk about D1.
  12. The theme for my posts this game is "What would Mojo do?"
  13. What if retaliation is they spy pretending to be the radar tower pretending to be a conscript?
  14. I have beaten Bloodstained so I may or may not be more active now btw.
  15. Now I understand why Shade is so intent on solving this statistically. It's because he's bad at solving it the normal way.
  16. I didn't see any poorly thought out shoot actions coming from you. Gottem
  17. If you guys start voting me, you best be prepared to get shot.
  18. Die of laughter IRL, then die of lynching in game.
  19. KY confirmed not vehicle or he would have said Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.
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