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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. There was actually a lot of voting in that half hour.
  2. I voted mojo in reaction to Orange getting two votes. I'm not sure what the iLTS votes were at because the count wasn't being actively updated.
  3. I literally killed Irish last game under the theory that it was so incriminating something was up.
  4. I can live with that. It's not all that different from my impression of you this game. I haven't been supporting your cases, but I think you've been making solid points in them. Part of the reason I've been looking at Chopbam is the difference in how you talked about and supported your vote.
  5. I can't tell if it's a good thing or a bad thing that I'm always sus.
  6. I did?! Now I really want to know what game you were talking about. I was just inspired by this clip of Among Us https://www.twitch.tv/jorbs/clip/SuaveAmusedTriangleGrammarKing
  7. It's on my mind because I really wanted to try doing that over the Irish kill last game.
  8. Why do I get the impression that iLTS is arguing that it's not a dumb kill because he made the kill
  9. Weren't you guys complaining about GDI being too strong?
  10. If there are two cops you could have a situation where the cops counterclaim each other.
  11. Unless you're scum and you know the list is wrong.
  12. What if scum killed Orange because they didn't want him arguing against Shade's nonsense?
  13. I still wanted to see it :[ Does anyone anyone have a wagonomics for dummies primer?
  14. I'm really sad Orange is dead because I wanted to see some sweet wagon analysis.
  15. Orange thought he was scum so I don't think it says much that he didn't believe mojo's role claim.
  16. Orange was pushing mojo well before either of them had claimed a custom role.
  17. We don't have much to go on atm as Chopbam has been trying to point out I believe
  18. I'd rather talk about it now than a couple hours before hammer.
  19. My problem is that I get the impression that he wanted to argue against the prevailing lynch knowing it would mislynch. If he's scum this gives him something to maneuver around for later in the game. If there were scum on the mojo bandwagon even better because it creates some distance between him and his scummates. It's what I like to do as scum. The major holdup is WHY KILL ORANGE?!
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