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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. @OrangeP47 I think I come off as nice is A) Because I am B) I have trouble collecting/remembering all my thoughts/impressions so I start doubting myself. I don't think I ever mentioned suspecting chopbam because he was the second vote on the iLTS train. Combined with the difference in effort put into arguing for it between Voe and Chopbam I thought he was a bad guy.
  2. Would have been too late to claim cop. The winning play there is to appeal to my desire to not win with math and argue better than Shade/Louis. It would have been a long shot, but possible.
  3. I feel for you guys because it's very similar to our last game loss.
  4. I think shooting someone else would have been an even worse play there. From my perspective it screamed as toxin trooper desperate to get his attack off before something bad happened. I'd figured scum would look at the 3 previous shots with minimal blowback on people and interpret that to mean their fine to do any of their own. My only hold up was that an Irish kill was all risk little reward. I wouldn't have to explain away that problem with a kill on someone else.
  5. I'm confused why Jeod shot Irish rather than letting him be lynched with 1 hour left.
  6. I sound like I'm commenting on town as a whole, but I'm mostly talking about myself.
  7. This is probably the worst game I've played as town.
  8. I thought it was iLTS based on talking about his alibi :S
  9. FRAYDO'S got a fever and the only prescription is shooting cattle rustlers.
  10. I think I've figured out who the riot trooper is btw.
  11. It is truly astonishing that we managed to not put a vote on a single scum D1.
  12. You just get a GDI result right? How would you distinguish between a town stuck result and a scum stuck result?
  13. The next day is from the 23rd to the 25th. If you're scum, wouldn't you rather spend time relaxing in the dead chat over Christmas rather than futilely fighting for your life?
  14. There's no reason to protect the cop if Louis is not the spy. Shade can't investigate spies.
  15. Yeah I think cat5's right as well. Anon is probably the only one able to get away with not shooting, and they've been less than helpful when they've posted.
  16. It's kind of unfortunate that you ended up being the cop in that gamble because a lot of your arguments make sense from that angle.
  17. I was thinking if the spy role is different from the rolesheet, going for stuck players would be a good way to clear Louis.
  18. Yeah Jeod overplayed his hand a bit in hard town reading Louis without really elaborating. ##vote Louis.
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