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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. Stuck isn't all that remarkable result, but you gave us a framing that made it hard to believe any roleclaim.
  2. I kind of feel like you fed him an excuse to fire off a shot at Irish.
  3. Who was voting Irish before? Chopbam, Cat5, iLTS and Jeod?
  4. I think I don't like that shot by Jeod. It was a bad shot by Irish, but I it was understandable. Yeah be careful of hammer guys.
  5. There are many reason to be jealous of Orange right now and I believe this is one of them.
  6. Honestly I'd be okay with a firing squad on Irish and if he flips scum a lynch on me. I feel like dead weight this game.
  7. I've had a hard time getting reads this game. I think it's possible that Irish could scum so when a bunch of people start pairing me with him is it that unreasonable to argue against it?
  8. I would be more fun to puppet Orange than just straight kill him tbh.
  9. I would not have allowed Orange to die after he was hardish town reading me and would have been a great distraction for D2.
  10. I would like to exchange places with Orange rather than being the one who deals with Shade if that could be arranged tyvm.
  11. Yes nothing changes if the shot fails thank you for your contribution.
  12. Considering how that conversation played out, I think she was trying to figure out if Jeod wanted to shoot Irish because he was scum rather than protecting Irish.
  13. I'm going to throw my weight behind the shade lynch. ##vote shade
  14. That's fine. I don't really care if you're right or wrong about finding the spies. What I care about is that I expect your meta to be consistent/stubborn about what you think is the right play and twice this game you've changed your mind with very little discussion. I get the impression that you're advising town to make what you think is the right play, but when town pushes back you're happy encourage their mistakes.
  15. It weirds me out that you've been really stubborn about getting info from stuck results, but changed your mind quick when it came to saving our shots and no lynching.
  16. I noticed that and I actually thought Shade might have edited your quote that way intentionally
  17. Then you have yet to master the ways of the Forum Game young padawan.
  18. Upper right corner below the follow and rate this topic buttons.
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