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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. Thank you. Or at least until I read this post and you all started posting again Thoughts: I didn't quite understand that KY and Orange were actually talking about the kill before it happened so it's less out of left field for me now. I don't like the results, but at least we have some kind of confirmation surrounding Orange's claims now. Jeod continues to cast suspicion on Orange more on the circumstances surrounding his claimed role than really engaging on his behavior this game. I feel Orange has been trying to put town in a position to make some progress N1 and helped prevent rash thinking when Jeod kill our village clown (RIP peanuts). I definitely don't like the smug impression I've been getting from him the past day or so.
  2. I think I'm going to need to reread everything that happened since I checked last time.
  3. I lied, we did mail in ballots this year. So anyway WHAT THE HELL. I thought we already agreed that shooting Orange was more likely to go wrong than right. I'm also astonished that Shade didn't go off.
  4. Hey guys, I just got back from voting! What did I mis- Well here I thought it was more dangerous outdoors...
  5. I suppose Shade's kind of hinted that might not be a concern N1 though...
  6. How well does this work when you're dead though?
  7. Orange is obviously rusty playing town because that's need to know information and I don't think we needed to know that yet.
  8. I don't know why you need to concoct an elaborate explanation for how Orange could be scum with a town aligned character. It's like you're not considering the fact he could just be lying.
  9. Honestly I'm kind of worried about how open some of us have been about our roles (even if I've been involved in that).
  10. It's not Jeod's fault Shade forgot his epi pen.
  11. I've been meaning to ask if anyone has done an analysis on how much a D1 no lynch delays the end of game. I wasn't sure how to best model the scum kill when we don't know how it works.
  12. If you want everyone to try and visit you N1 you should just ask.
  13. Graduating college, taking a few months off, and then having the entire state shut down just as you begin job searching don't make for good sleep habits :v.
  14. Shade, would you rather get your revenge on Jeod now, or get a good "I told you so!" when we kill Jeod for being scum later?
  15. I'm not disagreeing with the notion that we have a town on town fight between the two. I'm just cynical that we can stop shade from Retaliating. Mostly because... He's already rationalizing it as not actually killing Jeod. He's claiming lightning rod.
  16. More seriously, have we ever managed to convince shade not to do something he really wants to do?
  17. I don't know, I kind of want to see Dr. Who go to town on Jeod with a sonic screwdriver...
  18. I guess shade could ask Jeod to roleblock himself as an apology or something.
  19. It's the fact that it specifically kills one of shade's characters that makes me lean away from it being scummy. Well not mafia. It's the kind of joke that It'd be uncomfortable with as a GM if I gave it to mafia. It's already a feels bad joke. I could see it being a neutral/TP joke ability.
  20. Current discussion topics are Should we shoot Orange in the face in hopes we can confirm him town (Serious ?Retal says no, joke Retal says REVENGE)? Is Jeod killing one of Shade's characters with an action that supposedly does nothing a scum move (I think it's a neutral read)?
  21. You are a clown, so I think everyone assumed yours would be silly.
  22. I'm surprised by how your roster is both so silly and well thought out.
  23. Sounds like orange has to watch out for gremlins.
  24. You could have been something cool like an avatar and you pick a soup of generic nobodies?!
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