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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. Now i have to do some chores so I'll be back in about an hour.
  2. The last Ghostafia has conceded, allowing town to celebrate their victory over the dreaded Ghostfather. Unfortunately for all the spooky denizens of the world, years of legal battle still lie ahead of them before justice on the Ghostfather himself can be achieved. In completely unrelated news, the enigmatic Willy Wonka has announced he is reopening his factory to the public. He has also announced that a young forklift operator known only as @Voewill be inheriting his confectionery empire upon his retirement. Quick summary of players at the end of the game Players Status Cat5 Dead Chopbam Alive FRAYDO Alive iLikeToSnipe Dead Jeod Dead Killing You Alive Louis Dead Mojoman Dead Nodlied Alive OrangeP47 Surrendered Sunflower Alive Player Aciton/Vote Sheet Design Doc (Louis's role is not quite correct) Dead Doc Scum Doc First (and only) Battle of Wits Doc Amontillado Scum Mason Doc First Factory Visit Doc
  3. All actions recieved, resolving now because I won't have time later. If you want the run down.
  4. Sorry for missing hammer. Busy doctor appointment day, first real snow of the season, and an exam I am not prepared for.
  5. Players Votes Cat5 KY Chopbam Cat5 FRAYDO Orange iLikeToSnipe Jeod Killing You Cat5 Louis Mojoman Nodlied Cat5 OrangeP47 Cat5 Sunflower KY Cat5 is the lynch! I don't have time for fancy flavor lynch like I usually try to do. Cat5 was Kronya a Ghostafia assassin!
  6. I should note I misremembered the victory condition.
  7. Day 4 Halloween is over but it's still the season of scares! Death is in the air as all the monsters go about their business. None of that is because of you guys though. You're all mostly alive still. Players Votes Cat5 Chopbam FRAYDO iLikeToSnipe Jeod Killing You Louis Mojoman Nodlied OrangeP47 Sunflower Day ends in a little over 48 hours.
  8. Players Votes Cat5 Louis Chopbam Louis FRAYDO iLikeToSnipe Jeod Killing You Louis Louis Jeod Mojoman Nodlied Cat5 OrangeP47 Louis Sunflower Louis Today's entertainment is the execution of Louis! She was very hard to find on account of being a small doll. So small in fact that the noose didn't work and we had to break out the guillotine. It's a good thing you did though because Louis was the infamous horror movie protagonist Chucky! Day 4 begins in 24 hours.
  9. Less then 10 minutes remain Players Votes Cat5 Louis Chopbam Louis FRAYDO iLikeToSnipe Jeod Killing You Louis Louis Jeod Mojoman Nodlied Cat5 OrangeP47 Louis Sunflower Louis Louis is in the lead with 5 votes.
  10. Only town aligned players count for mafia outnumbering.
  11. Players Votes Cat5 Louis Chopbam Louis FRAYDO iLikeToSnipe Jeod Killing You Louis Louis Jeod Mojoman Nodlied Cat5 OrangeP47 Cat5 Sunflower Cat5 Tie between Louis and Cat5.
  12. Ripperoni in pepperoni for our boy Vizzini. Louis leaps at Jeod brandishing her steak knife, the blow striking the poor Italian man's heart. He fortunately dies instantly. Jeod the Sicilian Criminal Master Mind Vizzini could not outsmart bullet a sharp metal object!
  13. Players Votes Cat5 Louis Chopbam Louis FRAYDO iLikeToSnipe Jeod Louis Killing You Louis Jeod Mojoman Nodlied Cat5 OrangeP47 Cat5 Sunflower Cat5
  14. Players Votes Cat5 Louis Chopbam Louis FRAYDO iLikeToSnipe Jeod Louis Killing You Louis Jeod Mojoman Nodlied Cat5 OrangeP47 Cat5 Sunflower Louis
  15. Players Votes Cat5 Louis Chopbam Louis FRAYDO iLikeToSnipe Jeod Louis Killing You Louis Jeod Mojoman Nodlied OrangeP47 Cat5 Sunflower Louis
  16. Hammer will be at 5pm central US time (i.e. the usual) because 4 is unworkable for me unfortunately.
  17. Players Votes Cat5 Louis Chopbam Louis FRAYDO iLikeToSnipe Jeod Louis Killing You Louis Jeod Mojoman Nodlied OrangeP47 Sunflower Louis
  18. Players Votes Cat5 Chopbam FRAYDO iLikeToSnipe Jeod Category 5 Killing You Category 5 Louis Jeod Mojoman Nodlied OrangeP47 Sunflower
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