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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. Yeah, all three kills scum made were high impact. Vert's death meant he couldn't explain how Chop got the 1-up through the roleblock, me dying meant I couldn't verify Cat5's no N2 action claim, and your death deprived town of their only anti-iLTS voice for awhile.
  2. Warning: Lots of whining about how iTLS bamboozled you guys for so long in the dead doc
  3. If no one objects, I think I'll try my hand at a Halloween CYOR mafia to start sometime early-mid October.
  4. May you be blessed by the spirit of Horthy. ##cane FRAYDO
  5. How dare you refer to Lady Edelgard as "some sexy lady" - Hubert, probably
  6. I'll have a better idea how much freetimeI have when this game finishes. I've been wanting to run a game for awhile.
  7. As in have no idea how to balance a game with all your wacky ideas.
  8. It's tempting to try and host a CYOR game, but I've never designed one before.
  9. Someone asked for a chart Di55y Scum GreyP51 Scum Killing Me Softly Scum IrishLikeToSnipe Scum Mojo Jojo Scum SlapChop Scum Hugh Capet Scum odyarf Scum Tropical Storm Scum Rambotaliation Town Daylight676 Scum GDIviet Scum
  10. No, I'm just intimately familiar with the forum emotes because of my self imposed d1 restriction.
  11. For mojo my thinking is 50% TP/neutral 25% unhelpful town 25% scum
  12. I was fine with just not lynching and banning him from roleblocking. Then he tried to kill iLTS.
  13. I'm not talking about chopbam. I'm talking about how an RNG roleblock is dramatically more likely to hurt town than help town.
  14. When has mojo claimed to be an ability thief?
  15. It's also a night action I don't expect to see on a town character.
  16. @Shade939 Have you considered he's just third party/neutral? He didn't seem all that concerned he roleblocked town, just that the town he roleblocked ended up confirmed town.
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