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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. Sometimes it feels like I’m the only one who doesn’t instantly get in fights with Shade.
  2. Mod interference in the play field. Penalty is one lynch. ##vote Jeod.
  3. I have an appointment, but I'll be back before hammer.
  4. So I can still see the argument for a no lynch, but lynching iLTS?
  5. Having killed scum early on with a day kill takes off a lot of the pressure to lynch. Plus the conditions are that we collectively control Chop's and Mojo's night actions. Speaking of which, I think what little hope mojo can be controlled no longer exists. ##vote Mojo
  6. I agree we have no ability to confirm anything that happened between Orange and Chop. I don't think it's necessarily weird that Chopbam would treat that as evidence he's town. We need more info. Ah. Shame. Yeah I agree with that. It's just if I was evaluating who would be scum based on the claims alone, Mojo blocked the guy who killed scum, and Chop blocked scum. Here's what I'm thinking. We've already killed scum today. We could no lynch today and enforce control over Chop and mojo's night actions.
  7. Could you reclaim the RNG element of your action? I can't remember if it was the target or effect that was random.
  8. I fully think between Chop and Mojo, one of them is non town. I lean more towards chop being town. While we only have one night of actions to go on, I think it's weird we're casting shade (not the player) at the one who claims to have roleblocked scum.
  9. Was he really playing with fire like that? It's already obnoxious enough that our doctor keeps randomly getting killed N1 without them baiting scum.
  10. 2 roleblocks suggests one of them is not town aligned.
  11. Character owned by Rare. Has a backpack. Technically 2 characters.
  12. It fits that Banjo-Kazooie was scum in a nintendo game.
  13. Well at least we solved if Orange was a cop. He was because all cops are scum
  14. So Shade's claimed Lucario (SSB version) right? Lucario gets more powerful the more damage he's taken. Shade's trying to get himself lynched to power himself up.
  15. I think I know what game shade is playing.
  16. 0 I wonder if Shade made a role that involves killing specific players (i.e Orange) like we talked about day 1.
  17. I was actually trying to get a laugh out of you. I am trolling scum for giving me a consolation prize by killing vert.
  18. Look man, if you're not the cop you don't have to tell me. I felt like vert (and nodlied) was trying to setup a lynch on me by being obtuse about the joke after I explained it. My main reservation was that Shade was the only one who saw through the act. It's also an interesting kill in general, I would have expected a traditional nigh 1 cat5 kill.
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