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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. I feel like the springs have been worse lately.
  2. How do I know you're not cat5 pretending to be a different hurricane?! How do I know I'm not cat5?!
  3. We're going to need a meteorologist to sort out which of these hurricanes is actually category 5.
  4. Does anyone remember that game where we all spammed cop reports and then I lied about mine? Good times.
  5. Orange managed to not be scum last game, much to Jeod's chagrin.
  6. A cooler Dorn can't compare to the objectively coolest primarch.
  7. TFW you make a non 40k character and the GM uses a 40k character image.
  8. We need to do a CYOR where everyone makes a role based on someone else.
  9. In hindsight, we might have been better off taking out Orange.
  10. I didn't feel confident enough in my ability in preventing Jeod from convincing KY not to shoot me.
  11. It was really stupid of me to involve myself directly in the fight between Orange and Jeod. I wanted to start the push to take advantage of being the first to push the case when he flipped. The problem is Jeod's someone I should have prepared more to handle because he's much better than me at pushing a case.
  12. I do think it's unfair that Jeod seems to have been given a free kill on shade and a passive that would have punished shade if he retaliated.
  13. You guys were a bit too free about your roles that game. Even Jeod unintentionally gave away he was the cop.
  14. I wish I had that. If jeod ever copped me I had to hope that he ended up targeting the one that was immune to psychics.
  15. At least shade gave us a good bamboozle with this nonsense about a lightning rod.
  16. I think the format could work better with a bigger and slower paced game. You could have room for a TP to help hide who's killing who and there's room to mess with the scum gets a kill per night paradigm.
  17. It wouldn't have done any good. Sunflower is innately unwatchable and I had my choice of being unwatchable or using my unblockable with 50% chance to kill visitors kill on you.
  18. Sunflower is the other. I feel like her role makes up for lack of power in flexibility.
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