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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. I believed in you the whole time mojo .
  2. Side effects of long term tiberium use and exposure include forgetfulness, fatigue, hair loss, organ failure, and rapid devolution into flesh eating blobs. Tiberium is not for everyone, if symptoms persist please contact your messiah.
  3. I suspect it's some sort of digital smoke signal. I hear it's used by peoples that have yet to discover the modern internet like the Nintendo tribe. 45388861 I probably prefer pvp over compstomp, but it's been a long time since I did either in an rts.
  4. You had an immediate cop claim and your role could be mostly verified when cat5 showed up. It was pretty easy to signal to cat5 that you were telling the truth in this conversation.
  5. I'm still not sure it was worth giving my life to save yours. So @OrangeP47 I didn't mention I visited you because I was very worried about scum having the ability to take items either by NK or item thief. Unlynchable scum would basically be impossible to beat.
  6. In all seriousness you're right. If you lynched Orange I would definitely be making snide remarks about returning scramble (and killing shade for no reason) to you right now. That reminds me, I need to explain myself to Orange about why I didn't backup his roleclaim tomorrow . Louis is dangerous because she doesn't always know the "correct" play.
  7. Mojo would have appeared town if FRAYDO investigated him though...
  8. Orange has had a bad record of trusting scum lately .
  9. Sunflower and I constantly fell back on lying about her tracking people at night last game as our emergency claim.
  10. I suppose KY jumping on me for casting suspicion on louis didn't help her case either. I mean really KY. How is not reacting to the janitor shot scummy when only Louis reacted to the janitor shot?!
  11. She was really quick to cast suspicion on multiple people D1 and in a way that felt more malicious than joking. It's the same read that screwed me in janitorial mafia so I didn't press, but it made me cautious. Then she delayed reporting that she tracked mojo to chopbam until after FRAYDO had claimed and mojo was for all intents and purposes a dead man. It's a complete mystery who that might be.
  12. I feel like I'm the only one who didn't fall for Louis's play lol.
  13. Repent for tomorrow you die! I actually have a bunch of unpainted sisters of battle now, but it's hard to actually justify shopping for paint atm.
  14. It's actually a 5G tower and he's trying to give you all COVID.
  15. I think you have a really solid point there Louis. Mojo could have been trying to steal chops abilities so he could claim them later rather than being the one who did the kill.
  16. Neither of these abilities seem like they're used to redirect the NK or "always crits". I'll be honest, half the reason I believed mojo was because I didn't think he'd be smart enough to make up that kind of claim. It's not like we lost anything entertaining the idea.
  17. I guess technically I didn't vote "mojoman"
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