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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. Only if he sings Dig It Up from Holes.
  2. May I suggest a more... immediate... course of action?
  3. Put me down for trying to visit Jeod.
  4. So it's possible I was right about there being some kind of kaiju researcher as a third party role.
  5. But now it's got cooties all over it!
  6. I was planning on keeping it for a night to see if progress increased over time or when it was passed between players
  7. I feel like the device is more sinister than that, but the idea was too funny not to share.
  8. Someone gave me an item last night that has basically no flavor. Just a device I can remove and attach (same action) to someone else (as a replacement for passing it). Has a passive countdown that is currently at 20%. I'm thinking that at 100% it either kills the player it is attached to, makes them super kaiju, or it's recording the players it's attached to for some reason (like a pokedex?).
  9. Honestly it might be time for the rare day 2 no lynch. Would give me more time to evaluate if this strange device that was attached to me last night is good or not. I suspect bomb or third party shenanigans.
  10. I'd personally prefer to keep scum guessing if iLTS is still BP or not.
  11. I see Orange is taking on Shade's traditional of being the nosy one.
  12. It's not that surprising. I would have had to correctly guessed the scum kill for it to have worked.
  13. According to Einstein's Theory of Relativity, the definition of a pond is dependent on the ratio of size between the observer and the observed body of water.
  14. Which one of you is laying about in ponds distributing strange and vaguely menacing devices?
  15. Rudeness is shooting someone in the face D1.
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