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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. That's twice we've had a roleblock action fail against him.
  2. Timing restrictions may apply. See dead player's role descriptions for details.
  3. We won't know until the info roles report in. Orange is a strange one to kill. It doesn't advance scum's gameplan at all and he seemed pretty content to mostly lay back and watch at the end of the last day.
  4. I'd tell ya... but then I'd have to do something other than kill ya.
  5. You chose correctly. There's no way scum would waste a kill on me when there's been so much tinfoiling about me busing KY. You should be prepared for the device to kill you though. The fact that you couldn't pass it indicates that Orange did manage to set it off.
  6. First of all, no. Secondly, why would I choose to be scum after they failed to kill D1 AND got outed in the process?
  7. With the powers at my command, I have no need for killing.
  8. ##vote sunflower I think FRAYDO has a stronger argument than the one I made based on Cat5's reaction to KY. If we're wrong at least we can kind of keep track of Cat5 with his masons.
  9. Maybe we should no lynch again so KY has to remain alone in the dead doc?
  10. It is considered bad form for the puppet to mock the puppetmaster. I feel like this game is wonderfully demonstrating Shade's point that we give out too much info in reports.
  11. Why do you think I know I'm in Tinfoil Town?
  12. I'm at the point where I'm suspecting you of being the dreaded scatterer because of your lack of action N2 and your reluctance to just declare KY scum with a two target report.
  13. I feel like I've entered crazy town where everything I've done and will do is interpreted in the scummiest way possible. Granted it's honestly not all that different than how Orange was treating me between D1 and D2.
  14. Must have gotten all that belligerence out of your system trying to get me lynched before the KY incident. Why would I waste my one time daykill against my scum partner who hadn't even used his own daykill yet? Also two scum daykills?
  15. Reading back on D2 I think I'm inclined to trust sunflower over Cat5. Mostly based on this interaction. Granted like half the people involved were bending over backwards to justify KY having two targets during the night. ##vote Cat5
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