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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. Huh, I thought it said bulletproof and can't be lynched.
  2. Player Vote Shade939 Shade OrangeP47 Killing_You Category 5 iLikeToSnipe ChopBam Mojoman Anon_Kat Retaliation Orange FRAYDO TheIrishMan Louis LEAD Shade/Orange Tie
  3. But I was having so much fun playing 20 questions!
  4. What do you think about pirates?
  5. How else are we going to figure out how much we can trust him?
  6. I just wanted to find an excuse to make fun of shade.
  7. I have no idea what he could be talking about. Like the land system? D&D isn't a card game. Basing the magic around 5 colors? That's just normal elemental magic.
  8. Shade's using the black mana symbol from MtG so I'm trying to figure out if that was intentional and if so what kind of character he'd be from that. Planeswalkers would be a fun mechanic to design a mafia game around tbh.
  9. Excuse me Magic The Gathering is a red blooded American card game.
  10. Artifact, Creature, or Planeswalker?
  11. Hold on there Donald Trump, this is a democracy! You have to be voted in. ##vote OrangeP47 Also Forests are the best lands don't @ me.
  12. I wasn't going to sign up, but then I had a decent idea for a role.
  13. It does have crossplay between mobile and PC, but no voice chat in any version. Fridays and saturdays work best for me.
  14. I saw iLTS vent from admin.
  15. Be honest FRAYDO, when was the last time you were completely screwed by RNG?
  16. @Category 5 Hurricane Who was going to be the next NK target?
  17. How dare you suggest there is anything untoward about my body snatching.
  18. I think everyone else was huffing a bit too much of that dust you were scattering around.
  19. It's very hard to not change to font to green now. Orange had a pretty lucky game where everything that could go right for him, did go right. Hey, I was saving up my scum hunting energy so that I could build that case on Cat5! It's not my fault that everyone else decided the only logical lynch was the vote manipulator who claimed to have been shot N1 with KY tracked to him!
  20. It's surprisingly hard to scum hunt when no one is dying and the final scum has a busy life. I will admit to not putting much effort into figuring out the third party gimmick because I wanted to see what would happen
  21. I think it passed through my mind briefly that the strange device might be yours. In general I have a policy against judging a player's alignment based on their role flavor though. There's no way to tell if that's ever something the GM takes into account and it ruins the game for yourself if you're right that they did.
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