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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. Does the dragonball not have a pass action?
  2. Wait could we wish to revive FRAYDO?
  3. You have a very weird definition of taking control of the vote.
  4. If this was identical to a no lynch Shade would be voting himself.
  5. I think forum mods can edit as well so that's sweet.
  6. Is Shade even capable of such an advanced technique!?!
  7. You've already been doing that though? Spoiler: you think we're bad at it.
  8. Where there's a dragon ball there's a way.
  9. This is more in line with TP/neutral shade. ##vote Shade
  10. Does no one else remember when Shade threw a fit about being voted out for being neutral? Now he's doing the same to KY! Being misleading in your statements.
  11. At least he's claiming something.
  12. I like how upfront he's been about his role compared to say Shade who's passed on every opportunity to claim neutral.
  13. Are you really still on this idea that me and KY are scum buddies?
  14. Can't be ninjas, FRAYDO is dead.
  15. We have 5 hours left and no idea who's going to be the lynch today. Do we have a vote count?
  16. Well I think I have a prior engagement so I don't think I can help you there.
  17. I found it. So you're saying that you could confirm your role then?
  18. We literally have a claim about an infectious attack, so either one of the neutrals is lying or there's a fourth player who's neither town or scum.
  19. That is the crux of why I think one of either Shade or iLTS is a bad man.
  20. He's been dodging that question all game.
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