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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. It's either that or we wait a week going through the motions now that the fun parts over.
  2. Were you not the source of the dayblock btw?
  3. The conversion would be via dragonball btw.
  4. We can't seal the game with a vote today because I was dayblocked and instead am offering a truce where we convert you and mojo to mafia. This fulfills KY's victory condition and iLTS's victory condition in the process.
  5. That and Mojo can always ubercharge someone.
  6. I was more preoccupied in maintaining my cover because I was sure Orange would get the noose sooner or later. That's why I'm in this situation, because I tried doing the town thing and gave Cat5 self watching. Apparently he's both a vig and dayblocks visitors! That would make this the second game in a row I've been screwed over by a vig with benefits btw.
  7. You can only stretch the truth so far.
  8. I wasn't sure if the chocolate was alignment convert or day vote steal so I chose KY in case it was alignment because I don't see a way for him to win. I guess I could offer Cat5 and Mojo the opportunity to join mafia by giving us the dragonballs.
  9. We were debating if I was just that good or if you were handing us that on a silver platter.
  10. So uh, this is awkward. Are you still interested in a deal iLTS?
  11. Mojo? Lynch immunity is really strong on scum, but he didn't save chopbam and protected Orange from a joke vote D1. Are we sure it's not Anon? Orange has just gone after neutrals all game.
  12. Are we allowed to offer advice?
  13. The plot twist is ChopBam is town you fool.
  14. Yeah it wouldn't make any sense for cat5 to be pushing iLTS like he did if they were a scum team.
  15. Cat5 can't be mafia the one game I don't doubt him... right?
  16. He should have figured that out during Crisis mafia.
  17. The hard part is that both of them failed the "R U scum" test so we're going to have to think very hard about our votes tomorrow and then lynch the dragon ball fruit.
  18. Anyone else just refreshing waiting for the next person to post?
  19. We don't take kindly to talk of rebarn/TS around these here parts... Wait that was BHP...
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