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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. Release me from this mortal coil and I'll harass shade in the dead doc.
  2. I wasn't roleblocked so you should have gotten a report that I visited you. Jeod might have thought I used a different shell or something else happened.
  3. No we got a dragonball when they were passed out.
  4. If Jeod did my action right you should have gotten a PM that I visited you because I should have made you self watch.
  5. It will hit KY leaving us in the exact same situation we're in now.
  6. Just kill me and get it over with.
  7. I think I prefer the mojo is third party over iLTS because iLTS has been interested in the game for the whole duration while mojo only perked up when he was linked with chopbam.
  8. He's a pretty cool guy, we got a 33 page scum doc going on.
  9. Not you @iLikeToSnipe you should vote with Orange.
  10. All I know is that I really wish you guys agreed to the dragon ball thing so I could stop thinking about mafia. If you could lynch me that would be great thanks.
  11. Dead Space, the APB mafia where I came back, Star Wars mafia, Hyper Lethal mafia, this game... Rambotaliation is really good at mafia right until the part where he wins.
  12. My scum tell is that everything falls apart just as victory is in my grasp. Incidentally that happens when I'm town too.
  13. Interesting that KY would be stabbed and not say Cat5 or I.
  14. We may have given up the goose too quickly...
  15. Is mojo actually TP and cat5 is the only town alive?
  16. He's just my Jedi Master force ghost! Leave him alone! This is why I tend to avoid CYOA.
  17. Yeah the drawn out endings are the worst for my mental state lol.
  18. Town has been playing tremendously bad while also being largely inactive. The only reason the game is close right now is because we've avoided the minefield until now.
  19. The best part is that town doesn't have any roles to be roleblocked so it's all upside for them.
  20. The chocolate didn't actually tell me what it did. Just hint. Its very fun to be essentially vanilla scum when town gets things like vigs with upside. This is the second game this has happened to me btw.
  21. I forgot this wasn't among us and ties are randomly decided. I just want to make a wish with my dragonball dangit!
  22. I really don't know why mojo hasn't just given Cat5 an ubercharge because that's the only hope to break the stalemate.
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