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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. That's why I'm wondering if they saw something that made them suspect cat5.
  2. I'm assuming you can only use ubercharge once which makes wonder how your role is balanced.
  3. For starters could @Anon_Kat explain why you voted cat5? Did you get some sort of result on him (tracking, cop or otherwise perhaps)? If we're making arguments based on roles, I think it's worth pointing out that mojo's ubercharge seems rather one note.
  4. If he was he wasn't being very clear. We have over 24 hours to get the inactives to start posting so I don't know why he's saying we only have a choice between RNG and his case.
  5. Shade it sounds like you're more interested in getting a kill regardless of who it is. I think I don't like that.
  6. Big brain thought: What if Shade is this mysterious slasher and he's lying about being attacked so he's clear later?
  7. Should have named yourself BlueF4U
  8. I feel like there's a lesson here in this, but I don't think Shade is capable of learning it.
  9. I don't know how your abilities work, but I assume some kind of roleblocking effect? Shade's been on your case and if you're worried about his ability he'd be a good candidate to stop. It would explain why Shade seems like he's confused about his results.
  10. Your reaction to Shade D1 and the ensuing suspicion gives you a motive to mess with him. I also think you could be using imposter to deflect from your actual flavor.
  11. That could be possible as well I guess.
  12. I think the only other option besides snipe being the TP is that shade is lying what happened to him last night?
  13. This sounds like admitting you roleblocked shade.
  14. I wonder if most of those games you're talking about are ones I skipped out on.
  15. I can't recall shade ever killing someone out of the blue like that.
  16. Louis generally gets more active the later the game gets IIRC.
  17. If I wanted a degree that would require me to live in math land, I would have chosen economics.
  18. Wow it's almost indistinguishable from how we play here! It turns out how you frame the question (How likely are we to lynch mafia D1 vs how much does a D1 lynch improve town's odds of winning) has strong effects on your conclusions. Funny that. Ha, I'm a biochem major. The only programming I've done is AP programming in highschool.
  19. Well I think that's enough talking to Shade for one day, so I'm going to bed. I feel like I've achieved some greater understanding of Orange today, not sure why.
  20. So I think I believe him about not being a necromorph, but I also think he could have taken inspiration from the plethora of alien hidden role games that existed before among us. At the very least among us is a great flavor to explain the vent action. Also Shade put him in a bad position D1 and it wouldn't be a stretch to want revenge.
  21. I got to be honest, vent is a great action for a role that wants to wait until it's too late to be stopped.
  22. If the action is supposed to be infectious and spread, I could see it having an inherent roleblock effect just to keep it under control.
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