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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. No No No Your PM literally said the attack interrupted your action? How does that square with stuff like this where being roleblocked would defeat the point of targeting you because you were visiting a player that night? It would have been very nice to know that your PM suggested it roleblocked you rather than it being the ramblings of an unhinged mind.
  2. Well then I just publicly revealed Irish's whole role to no benefit...
  3. I thought I had this Irish roleblock thing all figured out but apparently not...
  4. No I think you started the game neutral with some sort of passive to minimize losing the game to random nonsense from other power roles.
  5. I don't think it changed your alignment?
  6. I wouldn't say it's sudden. The way you talked about your action as an experiment and not benefiting your subjects directly along with your response to the questions about being Frankenstein again made me suspect it D1. I haven't really pressed on it because I think overall your play has been helpful, but if the infection is TP sourced I'd also expect it to interact differently with other unaligned roles.
  7. I can't get it out of my head that the only reason Shade seems unaffected is because he has some passive protection from being neutral aligned.
  8. FRAYDO was willy wonka last year .
  9. So you're saying scum has two night kills or that this infection is something else?
  10. I'll admit my first impression was cult as well, but that doesn't make a fun case against you.
  11. Orange is the only one reading into this as a cult.
  12. Yeah they started mafia and ended up pvp forum RPGs. I wish there was (or I knew about) some software that helped with the complexity and updating that has to constantly happen during those. I'd try to do some myself, but it's so much work for what often ends up as a worse game of mafia.
  13. I honestly can't believe we played like 5 games of deadspace. I can only remember bits of one or two.
  14. Warhammer 40k Blackstone Fortress CYOR lets go.
  15. Pretty certain. Both Shade and I were blocked and we both visited him.
  16. I really wish I had Shade's night report because we've gone from "There was a knife" to no knife and now we're arguing over the semantics of how infection is conjugated.
  17. Apparently he was a mentor, but I don't know what that would be.
  18. I hear necromorphs like vents...
  19. Hear me out: Necro Isaac Clark.
  20. More that I'm a good target for whoever's infecting people if they need to find away to visit Irish.
  21. Roleblock immunity would probably get through. Honestly a little concerned about my well being now that I've had to admit that I can bypass Irish's roleblock.
  22. Couldn't you have come up with something more ORIGINAL Irish?!
  23. I was very surprised when I saw that I had received that.
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