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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. I honestly don't understand the point in waiting to reveal the reason for targeting exeggcute.
  2. Dewgong is mildly threatening ot sunflora and zapdos. Type advantages against each other.
  3. I've seen blackglasses, nevermeltice, and a miracle seed while shopping.
  4. It's basically a game of who hits who first. Without a magnet zapdos doesn't quite reach the kill threshold, but I was calculating those probabilities when that was a reasonable risk.
  5. When I had articuno I could one shot it, but it's kind of well...
  6. I can take on lapras. Zapdos is bad juju though. ##nominate Retaliation
  7. Probably lapras today. I don't think he would have expected this result. I'm probably a good candidate because I don't get to use my action for several nights now.
  8. And he persists in doing it after I've laid out that it messes with my ability to track down who is targeting who with actions. He could easily ask people to put useless items up in the item lottery instead.
  9. She has consistently been not tracking for half the game. Further, lapras has the highest base HP of all Irish's pokemon. There is nothing to be gained from scouting him.
  10. Would have been best practice I agree, but the claim only left 2 conclusions. Cat5 attacked Irish Irish is lying
  11. I'm being a bit dramatic, so I'll be explicit and give my scout results. Brig did not visit anyone last night.
  12. I think brig understands that she and Irish will be fighting during single battle days.
  13. While we're waiting do you have a pokemon you want cat5 to train Shade?
  14. I can't justify a way to include brig in this anymore, my apologies.
  15. If I don't, then they'll have used all their healing items.
  16. In hindsight I think I prefer cat5's scizor though. Half damage from articuno's ice moves. When I had it last it had blizzard, ice beam, reflect, and mud slap.
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