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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Tbh I'm more concerned about my state, it's getting closer to Florida each year.
  2. Because in the event he were trying to be lynched/killed as "dormant town", making such suspicions public would hurt his plan.
  3. Okay so here's the plan: we lynch OrangeP47.
  4. No, I just have too much to do this weekend. The wedding is for a distant relative of my wife's that I don't know, and I've had a rather stressful work week this past week, and so I decided to stay home and get as much done as I can so that I have time to relax tomorrow and take my wife out instead of both of us having to do chores only to go to sleep and wake up for work the next morning.
  5. That said, plans got changed for me today so after some chores I'm gonna sit down and read through Nodlied's stuff to see if my intuition is correct or if I need to change course.
  6. I think further discussion will arise if Sunflower, Nodlied, and KY decide that their "opting out" is actually hurting us today. Otherwise, hammer will come down to whoever decides to build up an argument for their current pick.
  7. Chop's claim can easily be verified, as can Snipe's claim if he "protects" me and I die therefore nullifying our ability to verify Chop.
  8. I thought the opposite was true, that your role really only began after you died. Mia Fey. ##unvote ' Now then, as we have the chart filled out, it's time to determine who gets the axe today. Personally, I'm leaning Nodlied.
  9. Shoot, I was hoping he'd be on by now. Oh well, I'll have some time in the morning before being gone for a friend's wedding most of the day.
  10. That particular comment was made when both ilts and verti threatened vengeful-esque consequences for being lynched.
  11. Unless he says otherwise, I think Cat5’s death will be a benefit whether he’s town or scum. I won’t elaborate further.
  12. I have no comment on your vampire fetishes.
  13. Same, but I will go into more detail on you later tonight, unless Category 5 responds. I'd prefer to put the focus on him first, but I'll admit I do need to make a more detailed illustration regarding my read on you.
  14. Clarity of wording: It looked to me like his questions were asked to gather information for himself, not to try to advance the collective town discussion.
  15. Category 5 has been less helpful than his usual townplay. ChopBam had spent most of the day asking questions but, it seems, for selfish reasons.
  16. Prediction: scumteam is chopbam and cat5 Take note for endgame.
  17. Shade iirc you voted for ilts because Orange straight up told you to, like the puppet you are. Now stop fighting at eachother and follow my lead.
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