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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. ##vote Category 5 Hurricane Continuing off what I said earlier about him, I think the best way to squeeze more readable info out of him is to put the pressure on.
  2. Orange should still see his passive in his original PM. When I made this role I asked Irish about the stealing part, and we both obviously agreed that it would need to be a copy ability instead for balance. Otherwise I could just steal everyone's abilities and gg.
  3. As for the next few hours, I'd like to see Category 5, Sunflower, and Nodlied in the spotlight. I'm most interested in Category 5 as he's usually much more analytical and takes charge more often as town.
  4. Okay, ChopBam, I can put you to the test. Track me tonight and tell me who I visited.
  5. You know, rephrasing or a summary might be helpful.
  6. Now you are a jailer? Get your story straight.
  7. So give it a base if you're going to keep it in your back pocket. Orange targeted Nodlied to jail--why? I would have to have tried to make the nightkill. Who would I have targeted? I'm atonished that nobody's given that some thought before suggesting the theory.
  8. Agreed. In addition, my alibi is already confirmed through Orange. The only way ILTS can reasonably cast suspicion on me is if he asserts that Orange and myself are a scumteam. At this point, that's a giant leap. If I were in his shoes and wanting to go that route, I'd wait for more info from the latter 5 players before pursuing it.
  9. Clarity so others can follow my train of thought: Orange's passive grants immunity from other status effects and is labeled as a Curse--hence calling it killproof, because of the possibilities and varieties of actions we could have and also because it confirms that status effects are a thing. Think poisoning, vote paralysis, etc.
  10. Unless I copy you But you're right, so it's just you and Orange so far. Hmm... I still want a closer look at @ChopBam and @Killing_You, not to mention confirmation of no-action from @Sunflower and @Category 5 Hurricane.
  11. I'm pretty interested in the Curse label on Orange's passive. I don't think delayed kills are out of the realm of possibility, so I'm going to have to carefully consider my night targets in order to find the source.
  12. I might take you up on your "100% proof" claim, because with so many other BP/protection roles so far it's only fair to put you into the lot of suspicion. At the moment we can consider you, Shade939, and OrangeP47 as protection roles.
  13. @iLikeToSnipe So your vengeful claim on D1 was a ruse after all, was it? A vengeful doctor sounds weird.
  14. Since Irish is the GM, here's a chart: One thing I noticed while reading through D2 to make this chart is that ChopBam has been asking a lot of questions but at the same time not being so helpful. It seems to me that his aim for the moment is information gathering (for himself?) as opposed to attempting to solidify any reads. Killing_You said he's not at liberty to say what he did, but as things currently stand I think stating your target would be fine. Sunflower and Category 5 claimed to not do anything, I think, but they only made softclaims in contrast to Verti60's hardclaim, so I left them blank.
  15. What wiki page are you looking at? I’m not Twice.
  16. Extremely circumstantial, I'll place my chips on the original bet.
  17. I wonder if anyone's figured out my actual character yet.
  18. Ok, let's get this straightened out: 1) I said yesterday that I suspected Orange for scum. 2) I announced that I would be investigating him purposely to set up for today's test. 3) I only had time to glance at my PM at the time. I noticed the passive being killproof, but at the time I wanted to execute my test as quickly as possible before others could direct the spotlight. 4) As I said, I believe that if Orange were hostile with a killing ability, he would think I was telling the truth when I said I discovered it and thus create an alibi for having it rather than denying its existence. 5) I'm no thief, Orange still has his passive and he's said as much. 6) I have several methods of determining a player's alignment through my ability. As Cat5 said, catching a player in a lie. Another method is using deduction to figure if an alignment needs whatever ability the player has, just as you're doing now. For example, why would a scum alignment need a killproof passive? Scum wouldn't, but third party might to protect themselves from scum, which is another reason I preferred to continue pushing my bluff as a backup to the passive ability.
  19. You only started pointing your finger at me when I said that Orange's passive was killproof and that I was also killproof due to it. Only scum and hostile tp need to concern themselves so much with limitations such as those.
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