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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Why is it you're so desperate to suggest I'm not town, I wonder?
  2. Cat5 has the right idea. Town roles have some major abilities here, like lynchproof. Some abilities counter others and have hidden effects. It'll be quite easy to form a strategy to catch a player in a lie.
  3. When did I say I could? I can only speculate by determining which players have scummy-sounding abilities. Nope, I've already said that I'm from the My Hero Academia universe. The "critical detail" I mentioned that Verti60 missed was that MHA has no attorney characters. If he'd been doing scum-research on priority targets, he'd have noticed.
  4. I don’t see it that way. I can copy player abilities, but GM doesn’t consider the standard nightkill action an “ability”. It’s tied to alignment, not character. Therefore I can’t copy it.
  5. I’m checking in between customers at work, so I imagine my plan took some odd turns. But it was successful.
  6. Your rebuttal works if I was a tracker, Cat5, but I’m basically an ability cop.
  7. If you don’t want to follow my logic that’s fine. I stated yesterday I suspected orange, and I’m stating today that I no longer suspect him.
  8. We have two claimed jailers. Anything’s possible. Speaking of, shade sounds real eager to cast doubt on a cleared player.
  9. To see if he was a third party. Orange had no way of knowing what my investigation would find. Any hostile role would assume I was being truthful if they did have a killing ability and would opt for a cover story that verified it. Orange denied having one.
  10. His reaction to my bluff was town enough. He’s clean as far as I’m concerned. You on the other hand...
  11. Ok then, I’m killproof thanks to your passive. Therefore you should be as well, and so there’s no reason to suspect you as scum.
  12. Break is over, leave some juicy things for me to analyze when I get off shift in 2 hours k?
  13. Now now, I’m not going to reveal all my tricks in one go.
  14. I can only copy flavored abilities, fyi. The standard might kill isn’t counted—I asked. So I can’t be a cop really.
  15. I’ll let orange describe it if he feels like it’s important. Try not to fall into a prosecutors trap here; it’s too early for that.
  16. Simply copied. One-time use. I don’t see any reason to share it yet. It doesn’t seem to add to the current information pool.
  17. Interesting, I think given your passive you’d have wanted to know and would have asked.
  18. @OrangeP47 do you know if your targets are counted as “visiting” you when you jail them?
  19. A genuine town reaction. Scum orange would try to cover it by claiming vig. It was a test gents.
  20. Orange can tell us why he has a killing action for starters.
  21. [METAGAME] Will miss daystart due to work, but Irish will you be doing early daystarts if all night actions are received sooner than ~2 hours before usual start?
  22. Maybe if you weren't so much of a bitch that people can't tell your sarcasm apart from your criticism, you'd have an easier time with it. That said, there's a reason these games have died out--better ones replaced them. Sometimes it's better for memories to remain memories.
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