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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. I feel your pain, shai, because I love APB when it gets full which is a rare sight nowadays, and I don't remember to check the launcher every time I hop on my pc to see if there's a decent sized game going. But charging in with guns blazing isn't going to help anyone. Riots1337 put it eloquently, most players won't care how professional or business-like a server owner is, they'll go where the big matches are and as long as server owners are reasonably polite in dealing with matters, nothing else is important to them. Maybe some here think you "look bad" because of your behavior early on in this thread, and maybe you think you're right to be concerned about something you have no control over whisking players away from your server. But strip away all superstitions and you're left with the one simple logical fact: competition isn't going to help an old game like C&C Renegade or even its mods survive. You mentioned server donations etc--what good are those if you're splitting up the community by having several different options but a small playerbase? That's partly why W3DHub only has one official server for our games and not a US Server and EU Server. Costs is one thing, yes, but we don't get full servers every day like a decade ago--so why would we split up our players that way? If you truly care about C&C Renegade's survival, you'll be more approachable and willing to brainstorm ideas rather than threaten the "bad guys". Will you work with us and/or let us work with you?
  2. Got into Rencorner AOW successfully with a clean install of IA, after only deleting the loose .w3d files in the Data folder. Edit: internal error shortly after, but it's still not something we can leave as is.
  3. Beats me, I don't know how to check for that and RenList doesn't give any info on it. RenCorner AOW threw a Resource Manager Error saying the map couldn't be found (C&C Field). That last error could be because I removed a critical file from Data though. I deleted things almost indiscriminately.
  4. Here's what my modified Data folder looks like for reference:
  5. I just tried this with a fresh install. I was able to connect to MPF's server but received an internal error crash soon after loading (C&C_Suspense_E06), and I was able to connect to Zunnie's Sniper Elite (C&C_Beach) with some texture issues. It seems like servers with a ttfs repository still allow connections. I'm not sure how everything works on the backend, but hopefully this helps a bit.
  6. Nah Liten’s just a Discord troll and FRAYDO’s probably got midterms or something. I’m sure character ideas is the least of their reasons.
  7. Actually, before VPN, you could try switching your DNS.
  8. But you know what is supernatural? What comes a few hours after eating Taco Bell.
  9. Wow, nice dossier! I’ve tried to get my wife to join in but she keeps resisting. Someday...
  10. Nothing is scarier than the fear of what comes a few hours after eating Taco Bell.
  11. Hey @Category 5 Hurricane Whatever happened to Jennybeane (Jeanniebeane?) your friend from ghost trick mafia? Sunflower is our only female player!
  12. All of this was discussed in the docs. Really what we should be doing is discussing these kinds of issues in the guidelines thread so we can better structure our games.
  13. Here's the doc if you want to mould it for precision. Research & Trends.xlsx
  14. Perhaps. I did write that with @iLikeToSnipe, you, @Category 5 Hurricane, and @TheIrishman in mind, but @Voe, @Mojoman, and @Chaos_Knight could also be included. I made a table to help with research in finding out what makes people participate more in mafia games. This table doesn't include ongoing games, and it's sorted by replies. Here it is again, but sorted by date: So far the biggest indicator of participation is the type of game. I initially thought date would matter because we got more players around late 2016 and early 2017, but it's overwhelmingly clear that aside from the difficulty of the game, the game types that gain the most participation are CYOR, RPG, Battle, and Politics. I don't even know if Battle should count because many of the contributing posts are from battle phases and not dayphase discussion.
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