Perhaps. I did write that with @iLikeToSnipe, you, @Category 5 Hurricane, and @TheIrishman in mind, but @Voe, @Mojoman, and @Chaos_Knight could also be included. I made a table to help with research in finding out what makes people participate more in mafia games. This table doesn't include ongoing games, and it's sorted by replies.
Here it is again, but sorted by date:
So far the biggest indicator of participation is the type of game. I initially thought date would matter because we got more players around late 2016 and early 2017, but it's overwhelmingly clear that aside from the difficulty of the game, the game types that gain the most participation are CYOR, RPG, Battle, and Politics. I don't even know if Battle should count because many of the contributing posts are from battle phases and not dayphase discussion.