Alight time to get started. Mislynch today and there are 5 players left tomorrow after the NK. Of those five, only 3 votes are needed to cause an early hammer, and two votes are scum. Shade's brought up the prospect of a dayvig making this MYLO. I think he's half right, but the real problem is that TheIrishMan is a doublevoter. That's right, Irish is the PR in the scum, and Orange may or may not have his own ability. However, TheIrishMan's ability is only useful during the day, which means he made the kill last night. Bear with me and this will make more sense.
Way to instantly take the heat off Irish, but I happen to agree with this: counterclaims should definitely be solved first. If we lynch you today, then we'll have 4 town against 1 scum tomorrow, which makes Irish's ability useless. Is that your true motive?
First, odds weren't looking bad for Irish. I was applying the pressure, sure, but I'm still the only one voting for him. The issue here was your fear of him being trained on. Notice how Irish casually asked about my character at the end of his first rebuttal post, but then over time as I kept up the pressure it became his only mode of counterattack. You two must have wanted a quick game with the early hammer so you could make use of Irish's ability faster, so saving him was critical.
Orange kindly corroborated my claim that I blocked him by saying that he was visited. As for what happened to him, nothing. The question is what would have happened if I hadn't visited him?
I haven't been able to research my character, but my ability has to do with peanut butter and roleblocking. The best basic role match for that is a Drunk. Like I said, I wasn't concerned with flavor because I haven't seen or researched any of the shows save for last night when I gave my character's origin.
I blocked you as a joke because of our conversation on Day 1. If I was scum and thought you were a town power role, I'd have killed you.
Oh I think you better "use them".
Are you now? Vanilla, you say? Don't you mean Doublevoter?
This interaction between you two is surprisingly fitting for a scum team looking to protect their daytime ace-in-the-hole.
So just because Orange would have been one of your picks to block or kill as scum, that means I must be scum because I must align with your views?
I think counterclaiming was the plan after my attack on Irish's rebuttal. Being hesitant isn't my persona as scum; as I said before, I'd have done thorough research on different characters and come up with a more solid story. Plus, my flavor claim was counterclaimed immediately and by the player I chose to roleblock. Give me some credit, I'd have checked out Orange and tried to guess his character and role before choosing him as a target if I were scum (as opposed to targeting for the lulz).