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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Well, if eight people will play it I can try the roulette mafia.
  2. One problem with that is I don’t have great skill to host epic games like verti does. And I also don’t think mafia is something people should use real-life PTO for.
  3. I do miss that sound effect. Now I have to constantly refresh the page, even leaving a tab open doesn't always tell me if there's new posts. Congrats on the job and masters. I can't speak for the masters degree; it depends on what it's for, but I think I can confidently tell you that it's only part of the means to an end. My coworker has a masters in cyber security, and he works the same position I do except full time. I only have a bachelor's. To that end, I'm coming up on my second kid and I'm still making time for mafia.
  4. This is why I'm hesitant to host more mafia games.
  5. You still ended up taking it too far at times. You've played my Open Janitorial games, so you should know the difference between this kind of game and an open setup. Relying on flavor knowledge is not the way to go. It creates unfair advantages and disadvantages, even unintentionally. Take Retaliation for example. As soon as you called attention to the low probability of Cat5's bus driver claim matching up with the Dune flavor, it prevented him from deviating from the end of that tunnel. Instead of considering other possibilities, I imagine his approach changed to "Cat5 is most likely scum, so how?" -- it makes scum's role in the game much more difficult and in many cases pointless.
  6. I still don't put any faith in that test. I don't know what it's supposed to be about in the first place, but given the presumably psychological aspect of it (expecting scum to joke/provide sarcasm instead of being bluntly honest), I don't give it attention because of how easily it can be manipulated. This is something I actually did want to talk to Chop about at the time, but then Shade kept being himself. Read the dead doc for my thoughts on our unfortunate situation. KY's right that we did have trouble coordinating our moves, in part because Cat5 was a bit cryptic about what he was going to do in the scumdoc (for example he said I should remain ignorant about being roleblocked, but that was after I'd already said I was jailed--backtracking would only put more suspicion on me). Moreso in part that we lacked flavor knowledge, and even moreso in part that Shade kept complete control of the narrative to the point where it wasn't too fun to play the game (lack of participation and/or sheeping). Good job Shade for the great plays. Not so good job for your "end justifies the means" approach.
  7. Sorry I haven't gotten any shitposts in most of the game.
  8. I was just rereading the Warhammer 40k game from spring 2021 and remembered that I got to shoot Shade as Town and Scum in one game. Now I'm giddy.
  9. What’s your most memorable mafia game experience here (as a player) and why?
  10. Find some more coworkers, we can barely get 8 players these days.
  11. I'm gonna go metaposting here for a moment. I understand that changing anyone's mind was a slim chance, but that was all genuine. Maybe it really was that folks had their minds set in stone and couldn't be persuaded, but then again most of the players here have had issues with participation in the past. That's why we started a participation/post count rule, and why we ended up having more CYOR games than anything else--because if there were no vanilla roles then everyone would have a reason to participate. Seeing this continue after months of no mafia games at all though, that's telling me that it's not about having abilities. It's about passion for the game. Mafia is, in the end, a game of words, conversation, and deduction. There's a reason we have "famous names" in mafia here--Jeod, Category 5, OrangeP47, Shade939, etc. It's because those names are generally the most passionate about the heart of the game. Now what do you think might happen when a passionate player puts forth such effort only to be met with apathy? It's contagious and demoralizing. I'd hoped for better after months of silence.
  12. Even worse is that when I do flip town my contributions won't even be looked at. These players all have a track record this game of selective quoting and casting weak votes.
  13. I mean step back and look at it in a general sense. If I flip scum, coasters are just going to give themselves pats on the back and convince themselves that they mattered and weren't just votes. If I flip town, coasters are just going to shrug it off and move on. My participation in this feels abused no matter how it's looked at.
  14. I'm not mad at being voted, I'm upset that I've wasted a good part of my day playing with shade the punching bag and participating. If nobody else is going to have time for it, what's the point in putting forth the effort.
  15. No point in hosting or playing mafia games anymore I see.
  16. If you're not going to take the time to read anything then don't play. I haven't backtracked a thing. Even as scum I'd expect you to at least read.
  17. Told you. But I've laid out all my arguments thus far. It's time to get some reactions. Nothing more for me to say.
  18. I think you're reaching too far there. Good GMing dictates flavor doesn't affect the game too much.
  19. Are you really going to rely on semantics when I’m not supposed to just copy my PM?
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