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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. The only winning move is not to play. Fine. I didn't vote last night because I couldn't. I won't vote tonight either and see how that treats us. I refuse to fight through 5 pages of shit just to try again to get my point across.
  2. I'm literally seconds away from posting a screenshot of my PM and being done with this game. Trolling's fun and all but the past 4 or 5 pages being utter nonsense is a bit much.
  3. Why wouldn't I vote radical pluralism then? Facts: iLikeToSnipe can't accept anything but the simplest explanation iLikeToSnipe is wrong
  4. Tell me why I shouldn't just keep voting radical status quo. I'm getting extremely annoyed.
  5. What I;m seeing so far is that there are quite a few people opposed to my plan, which tells me that it's probably a step in the right direction.
  6. And if civil war gets triggered by stability dropping below 40%? Are you willing to risk a tie vote by randomly investigating in order to fill out your "ballot chart"?
  7. Orange confirmed N1 that I voted radical status quo. You need to sit down, read, and think before speaking. If I had a gun I'd have shot 3 players already.
  8. I present the best option, unless you're content to guess that we'll catch a soft suspicious voter and avoid another tie. You have no idea when civil war could be triggered.
  9. Tough luck bud. As far as I'm concerned, my words, my investigation results, your data on me, and KY's data on me make me a "good boy" and thus my efforts to get us out of this tie are warranted.
  10. It's bad from my perspective, and that's a smaller point compared to: he's suspicious, a thief, and uses manipulative language. Investigating him would not only guarantee evidence, I'd wager he has other stuff on him as well.
  11. Retal is using manipulative language in his posts and votes pluralist, and he's suspicious, and he's a thief. He's definitely worth investigating.
  12. He's saying I'm not Abolishment. Time to investigate your scummy ass this time, pal.
  13. Not only can you not pay attention to your own actions from the day before, you also can't figure out that if votes are tied between soft quo and soft pluralism that radical votes don't matter. But you don't have the common sense to listen to the player who says he'll vote soft quo to tip the scales. I'm like the only one who understands what's going on here and suddenly I don't care. Toodles, it's break time.
  14. Okay, I've given my stance and my plan. If FRAYDO's goal is to get someone else a radio, then he wouldn't have touched the one in the vault last night. Therefore, my idea still stands. If you idiots want to keep going in circles be my guest. I'm not going to be a part of it.
  15. Rephrased because you're all morons and will misunderstand despite knowing my typing personality for two years now.
  16. A third interesting thing to note: given what I said about being unsure of my alignment, wanting to enter the vault, and FRAYDO supporting my plan, I think you guys monumentally fucked up and missed out on an opportunity for scum to radio who they thought was scum.
  17. Orange, do you know if this guy voted quo or pluralism? Please say pluralism. His ego needs to be cut to size.
  18. Here's my plan again for those who conveniently missed it. Put these two together with my nationality and you should see my perspective when writing this up, and therefore have no doubt of my intentions.
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