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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. The way GMs handle bus driving with regards to PM results varies. I happened to target you. Hence my question.
  2. Well, he had it coming after these past few games. Funny stuff about his relation with FRAYDO though.
  3. Hmm...I wouldn't look too much into the shot. It wouldn't have created a tie if Cat5 had died, so Shade would still have been lynched in the end.
  4. Well, perhaps you're right about the latter. Consider that.
  5. I don't believe I softclaimed any sort of role. "Checking" FRAYDO doesn't necessarily mean alignment checking. There are other things town roles can do.
  6. Cat5 would consider the option, but I definitely don't see him taking this route to push a lynch as scum. I concur with the read.
  7. ~4 hours to go and no other leads. Does anyone have something to weigh in on besides me being Trazyn and Shade being Shade?
  8. My PM roughly states that finding the artifact (Dark Apostle Vertigo) would be impossible without an Imperial victory and that is why I'm town. It also directly mentions Chaos forces who have also infiltrated the fleet. I wonder if this is no normal mafia game with a splash of 40k flavor. I think I'd like some more background on the first game and the outcome.
  9. Because how would I know about Vertigo’s prior role in order to use it in a lie?
  10. Worth nothing that I never played or witnessed the first game.
  11. Don’t think you’ve earned any town points by openly stating my character for me, however. Especially after it was suggested that the claim wait.
  12. I know nothing of 40k so I chose the coolest sounding race. I’ll tell you that I have no indication that I’m protected from shots or lynches. Also, since there’s practically no info that could be gleaned about my role just because of the character, I don’t mind claiming the character.
  13. Logic dictates that FRAYDO may be a xenos, so I’ll be checking on him tonight if Im not shot.
  14. Unlike shade, I don’t disclose information so easily when I’m third party. I’m a Necron.
  15. That’s a pretty roundabout way of saying “shoot the easy target”.
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