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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. FRAYDO has been chosen for the lynch today! He was just a normal Villager. At least you have solace in knowing that he's in a better place... DAY 3 BEGINS IN 24h
  2. CVC: Category 5 Hurricane voted Category 5 Hurricane Shade939 voted FRAYDO iLikeToSnipe voted FRAYDO Nodlied voted TheIrishMan Inferno voted nobody Mojoman voted FRAYDO FRAYDO voted Category 5 Hurricane ChopBam voted FRAYDO TheIrishMan voted FRAYDO FRAYDO is dying.
  3. It’s hidden. Miller got a villager PM.
  4. CVC: Category 5 Hurricane voted nobody Shade939 voted nobody iLikeToSnipe voted nobody Nodlied voted nobody Inferno voted nobody Mojoman voted nobody FRAYDO voted nobody ChopBam voted nobody TheIrishMan voted nobody  Time Left: 24h
  5. I gave a 30 minute extension because it appears there will be a lot of discussion today.
  6. DAY TWO Dawn has arrived! What's this? It looks like OrangeP47 was murdered last night! Unfortunately, you could only identify his name, not his role. There are still mafia left! Get to it! CVC: Category 5 Hurricane voted nobody Shade939 voted nobody iLikeToSnipe voted nobody Nodlied voted nobody Inferno voted nobody Mojoman voted nobody FRAYDO voted nobody ChopBam voted nobody TheIrishMan voted nobody  Time Left: 48h 30m
  7. Send your actions in as a reply to your role PMs since it has both of us (me and KY) in it. That'll ensure we keep on the same page.
  8. Killing You hasn't been on since Saturday, so he may not see my PM to him. I'm scheduled to work until hammer today, so if KY doesn't manage to get to it, I'll take care of things at around 6:30PM EDT. I won't count votes past 6PM EDT however.
  9. CVC: OrangeP47 voted nobody Category 5 Hurricane voted nobody Shade939 voted nobody iLikeToSnipe voted FRAYDO Nodlied voted nobody Inferno voted nobody Mojoman voted nobody FRAYDO voted nobody ChopBam voted nobody TheIrishMan voted nobody Time Left: ~10h @Killing_You
  10. CVC: OrangeP47 voted nobody Category 5 Hurricane voted nobody Shade939 voted nobody iLikeToSnipe voted nobody Nodlied voted nobody Inferno voted nobody Mojoman voted TheIrishMan FRAYDO voted nobody ChopBam voted nobody TheIrishMan voted nobody Time Left: 35h 2m @Killing_You
  11. Now, I want you to take a step back and literally fuck your own face! I don't know what kind of Verti60 bullshit power play you're trying to pull here, but Janitorial is my territory. So whatever you're thinking, you'd better think again. Otherwise I'm gonna have to head down there and I will rain down in a Godly fucking firestorm upon you! You're gonna have to call the fucking United Nations and get a fucking binding resolution to keep me from fucking destroying you. I'm talking about a scorched earth, motherfucker! I will massacre you. I will fuck you up!!
  12. Actually, the game can start tonight if @Killing_You starts it off. I work until 6PM EDT today so I won't be able to fire it up.
  13. Yep, game will start at 6pm EDT tomorrow (Sunday).
  14. One of the huge benefits of an open setup is that I can easily reshuffle the roles to erase spoilers, which means you can stop co-GMing and play if you like.
  15. Was hoping to be able to start this today, but we still need 1 more player. If by May 15 there's a stall, I have an alternative 8-player setup I can run.
  16. I think Muffia was my first game.
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