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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Make me Emperor of Man Heads up for you, I think a Ghost Trick Mafia 2.0 would do very well here after your Steins;Gate game.
  2. I’d probably penalize for it next time around. @TheIrishman would you say the same if scum hadn’t bagged the cop on n1?
  3. What can I say, we have some sensitive players here and they deserve respect.
  4. He's not a bad townie, really. It's just a different personality we haven't been able to acclimate to. Calling a player "bad" because they struggle with being "obvious town" only demotivates them from playing future games, which Mojo has done before. Mafia is a game of psychology. Can a player truly be "bad" simply because they think and present their opinions differently?
  5. Awards OrangeP47 - So close! Congrats on finding the lawyer on the first night. Too bad it all ended too soon. With your death, the mafia avoided having to counterclaim, which was a much-discussed part of this setup before the game started. I'm looking forward to the next time this is run to see how the alternative plays out. ChopBam - Let me just patch this flesh wound... Good try on doctoring yourself, but I don't understand why you didn't come out and claim doctor with the save to generate more discussion. You could have gotten scum to cc you, which would have taken the game in a different direction. The Scum - No plan is best plan You guys sure lucked out at the start, but Shade playing reverse-meta (if that was even your strategy) clinched the game for you on the final day. Congrats on pulling it off! Killing You - Might as well be the primary GM Mad props to KY for an outstanding job with co-moderating. We had the data sheet and a role PM format doc to coordinate and keep things streamlined, but he really knew what to do and when. I think you'll be absolutely fine when you host your game, sir. Commentary This setup was initially intended to be run in a 10-minute irc chatroom format. I had no clue what balance issues porting it over to forum format might do, especially since we do daystart here instead of nightstart. In the end the only change I made was to assign a target to the oracle at random, although even that may not be necessary for balance, since if oracle claims mafia could counterclaim and so on. There was a comment from Shade about the janitor not hiding the oracle's reveal action on death. That's how it's intended, the janitor is not a roleblocker. If you clean the oracle, bad luck. It's part of what makes the setup balanced. It's a blend of luck and skill, which is what makes it fun and different each time it's played!
  6. GAME OVER iLikeToSnipe was the Miller! (No need to flip him as vanilla mafia) Shade939, Inferno, and Nodlied easily dispatch the remaining town and seize their homes. Mafia have won! Postgame GM commentary and awards to follow. Doc links: Scumdoc Deaddoc
  7. CVC: Category 5 Hurricane voted nobody Shade939 voted nobody iLikeToSnipe voted nobody Nodlied voted nobody Inferno voted iLikeToSnipe Mojoman voted iLikeToSnipe TheIrishMan voted nobody Time Left: ~25h 15m
  8. Pay the court a fine or serve your sentence, Your stolen words are now forfeit .
  9. DAY FOUR Wakey wakey eggs and bakey! ChopBam is dead! He was the doctor! CVC: Category 5 Hurricane voted nobody Shade939 voted nobody iLikeToSnipe voted nobody Nodlied voted nobody Inferno voted nobody Mojoman voted nobody TheIrishMan voted nobody Time Left: 48h IF YOU DON'T GET A SCUM TODAY, THE GAME IS OVER!
  10. No, no. The janitor is a role hider, not a roleblocker. If the janitor cleans the oracle at night, but the oracle has targeted another player, the targeted player will be mod-revealed. Balance on the subject can be debated, certainly. Remember that this is the first time I've hosted or played this setup on a forum rather than an irc chatroom. The testing process is straightforward, really: translate the vanilla setup as much as possible and tweak based on feedback after the game.
  11. Inexcusable logic 1: Why would the janitor not know what role they cleaned up? That prevents scum from executing any sort of strategy. Inexcusable logic 2: I really shouldn't confirm this, but the stupidity is too much. Why wouldn't the oracle reveal anyone if they were killed N1? It's not like scum have any roleblockers that invalidate the oracle's N1 choice. Hope that puts some things to rest. Stop giving me and the dead doc aneurysms.
  12. I just got home, but I’ve received mechanics questions from some. I’ll answer your inexcusably flawed logic within an hour.
  13. This setup is normally night start. Without confirming anything, you can expect some slight modifications to roles.
  14. After 3 game days of that shit the game ends in a stalemate.
  15. I can see where this might go. If every player votes nolynch, I will allow an early hammer.
  16. Category 5 and Shade, you're both at your 4 post limit. Any more and you'll receive a vote penalty for the next day. You can continue your chicken fight in two hours.
  17. KY did the vote log for D1. I had to work. And regarding the timestamps, you know we all go by server time. Set your clock ahead two minutes if you have a problem with it.
  18. STATE OF THE GAME Scum have managed to elude the town so far, with one janitored nightkill and one mislynch as of Night 2. If scum make a successful nightkill tonight, they'll have the numbers to match town's votes minus one. Day 3 is all-or-nothing for town, and the odds don't look good at the moment. Here's the voting table for your records. Player Day 1 Vote Day 2 Vote OrangeP47 NoLynch Category 5 Hurricane NoLynch Category 5 Shade939 Mojoman FRAYDO iLikeToSnipe Mojoman FRAYDO Nodlied - TheIrishMan Inferno - - Mojoman NoLynch FRAYDO FRAYDO NoLynch Category 5 ChopBam Mojoman FRAYDO TheIrishMan NoLynch FRAYDO DAY 3 BEGINS IN ~8 HOURS
  19. I can't provide a rebuttal for a comment like this until the post-game, as with most comments about game balance. Like was said a few days ago, the setup is normally run in a irc chat starting at Night 1, so whoever dies the first night doesn't give a shit and joins a new irc game within 5 seconds or so. Choosing between starting the game at Day 1, Night 1, or Night 0 isn't easy and can throw balance off--especially if the cop is given a report on N0. It's something to be tested for sure and could end up working well for all we know. This isn't a one-and-done setup and I will probably run it again in the near future with the different variation.
  20. You know what I mean. In terms of facilitating discussion, balance, etc. But if that was a joke, I'll chuckle.
  21. Normally you'd all be allowed two nightposts, but tonight I'm going to allow 4 because I want to know: how are you liking this open setup thing so far?
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