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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Rusty? You’re not fresh meat? I don’t recall your name in any games I’ve ever played or hosted. Welcome!
  2. Seriously dude you should learn flash animation and make "Five Minutes Until Hammer" a W3D Mafia series. I'd do voice acting.
  3. WHAT THE GLACIER FLAYING FUCK THIS IS THE FUNNIEST SHIT EVER. @FRAYDO you better pin this **** to a blog or something. Please make more.
  4. Well that was fast. Only five slots left, I can't exactly just add more roles to the setup. First come first serve for those who want to play. @TheIrishman, @Mojoman, @Sunflower, @Nodlied, @ChopBam, @FRAYDO, @Retaliation
  5. Mafia must convince the town why the fake news is real news. It's essentially most Americans vs. CNN.
  6. After what we just witnessed with you having to find the real doctor in Category 5 and TheIrishMan, God help the players.
  7. I believe it looks unbalanced at first glance because we're used to fakeclaims as mafia, but not counterclaims. In this setup mafia needs to be able to counterclaim and win during the day. Meaning Shade will have a migraine.
  8. It's a common competitive setup at epicmafia.com (don't play there it's just tumblr weebs and sjws). They have strategies posted on the setup page. Of course, the setup is irc chat based instead of forum, so there's going to be a difference in how it plays out.
  9. Official term for Cat5's role is Vote Thief by the way: https://wiki.mafiascum.net/index.php?title=Vote_Thief Not sure why he patrolled Mafia Universe when mafiascum.net is where the basic roles are usually found.
  10. Definitely. The final day was amazing to watch, and Sunflower you really deserve the Athena Cykes title.
  11. Open Janitorial Mafia is an open setup, which means the possible roles are known from the start of the game. The setup itself is called Janitorial thanks to the pivotal mafia role, the Janitor. The setup only has one doctor and one cop, plus a few other basic roles that haven't been seen on this forum before. Scumhunting is a must, but it shouldn't be as "in the dark" as a true basics game. JANITORIAL MAFIA ROLES Villager (3) The most basic of town roles, the villager has no actions except their vote. Doctor (1) The doctor is a town power role with the ability to protect one player each night, including themselves if desired. Sane Cop (1) The cop is a town power role with the ability to investigate a player each night and discover their alignment. Miller (1) The miller is a basic town role that is essentially a villager, but they will appear as mafia on cop reports and flip vanilla mafia on death. Oracle (1) The oracle is a town power role with the ability to target a player each night to be mod-revealed if the oracle dies. The oracle will only reveal their previous night target. The ability does not stack. Vanilla Mafia (1) The mirror role of the town villager, the vanilla mafia has no actions except a nightkill and a vote during the day. Janitor (1) The janitor is a mafia power role with a one-time ability to hide the role of the nightkill. The killed player will not be revealed for the duration of the game. Lawyer (1) The lawyer is a mafia power role with the night ability to make their target mafia teammate appear innocent on cop reports. This game setup requires 10 players to play. If you are brand new or have only a few games of mafia under your belt, this is a great entry point! The game will start within 72 hours of the minimum player count being met. Official date and time will be announced within 24 hours of the minimum player count being met. *This game is estimated to last up to Night 5, which equates to 15 days (48 hour days and 24 hour nights). Depending on how the game plays out, the timeframe might be longer or shorter. Co-Moderator (1 Needed) Killing You Signed Players (10 Needed) OrangeP47 Category 5 Hurricane Shade939 iLikeToSnipe Nodlied FRAYDO Inferno Mojoman ChopBam TheIrishMan
  12. TheIrishMan bought your silence for two days. Bam?
  13. He does, moron. He's suggesting who the partner is.
  14. I give up my voting rights to make an informed night post, and then I call out Cat5 to start speaking, making him reveal he's actually silenced, when I silenced him. Yeah. That makes sense. You've had a few too many martinis.
  15. The forum is loading slowly for me. Anyone else having issues?
  16. Cat5 thinks the scumteam is Orange and Irish. I think the scumteam is Orange and Cat5. Cat5, are you claiming doctor? It's a little late in the game for Irish to be fishing for a doctor.
  17. It's a convenient claim, truly. So who got silenced before you sherlock?
  18. Wonderful, he's claiming Irish silenced him.
  19. Okay, gotta wake this guy up. Take a listen buddy. We need to give this audience a show.
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