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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. You probably will want to extend your signup time to Monday. Will this be an open setup (all role types are public)?
  2. The alibi thing does work when scum can use it to blend in, which is most effective when scum can use a role-specific action in addition to the standard night kill. In a sense it helps town by adding the corner and border pieces of a puzzle, but doesn't give town the bigger picture.
  3. I’d offer to host a Basics game but I have closing shifts this week. I’d need a co-mod.
  4. I am curious how the balance was decided on. This was still a pretty decent first game hosted by KY. Perhaps under better circumstances for the scum players irl things would have been more challenging.
  5. I did a read of Day 1 again, and I'd like to lynch either OrangeP47 or Sunflower (if she hasn't been cleared yet). I did read the day from the scum perspective: I was looking for parts where scum would plan their responses in their google doc and these two matched up pretty nicely.
  6. We have options there too. If we lynch Mojoman today, the above works. If we lynch Orange today, then Mojoman can check his sanity on you since you're cleared. If he's scum, it'll come down to him vs. ChopBam unless he claims insane, at which point we likely just lynch him. If you want to lynch me today, by all means go for it, just swap step 1 in the above with Mojoman checking his sanity on you.
  7. That's the thing, we likely won't. I have an alternative: 1) I track Cat5, he can gain my tracking ability and, if he gains passives, he'll gain my passive ability. 2) Orange anti-RBs Cat5, which gives him a chance to prove his ability 3) ChopBam protects Cat5, which deters scum even if scum is ChopBam
  8. The only flaw in the plan is the scum can just NK and boom, next day is between me and Mojo with scum being off the chopping block.
  9. Myself as a constant passive, as I literally leave the planet at night. Snipe as a one-time. Irish since he resurrects himself? Also revived a confirmed among other things so he’s not scum. Who else?
  10. So sunflower can strip a passive ability from a player and orange can “gift” a player the ability to circumvent passives, which is currently his own ability. I don’t mind losing my passive if it helps us in the end, but since town has a lot of BP, I think orange is a safe lunch today.
  11. Sane: Alignment is correct Insane: Alignment is opposite e.g. town player comes up scum and vice versa.
  12. If this is the case then I’m even more convinced there are 3 scum in this game. I don’t think I’d have reacted to Shadeand his upcoming death the way I did if he was my scumbuddy. I was most relieved that I wouldn’t have to try to get him lynched again.
  13. Jeod - Tracked TheIrishMan to Category 5 OrangeP47 - Used an anti-roleblocker ability on Mojoman TheIrishMan - Visited Category 5 Mojoman - Investigated ChopBam with town result Category 5 - Roleblocked Sunflower - Hexxed Category 5 ChopBam - Protected TheIrishMan Questions: @TheIrishman what was tyour night action? Comments: @Category 5 Hurricane, I think option 2 is more likely. Observations: 1) If there are three scum this game due to the powerful abilities town have, then it's entirely possible that Mojoman and ChopBam are a team and covering eachother. Mojoman failed to give his N1 report but claimed a cop role, and in a 3-scum scenario he wouldn't be too worried about bussing Shade especially when Shade was caught in a web. 2) Orange is an anti-roleblocker which kinda matches what scum might need for this game, but isn't trying too hard to defend himself like he would do if scum. Maybe due to surgery, maybe due to being town, maybe both.
  14. @TheIrishman mind posting an updated chart? I have a morning shift today and tomorrow, so I'll have more time to look things over this phase.
  15. Could be KY resolves actions in the order they come. That would make activates night BP pretty useless though.
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