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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Looks like Shade doesn’t want a gun sitting around. I’m not going to tell you who to suspect, but I’m not chaos and I’m not man. Although I am aligned with man for this game.
  2. So rather than follow a consensus you take command via “Lynch or shoot”?
  3. Revealing that you have a dayshot isn’t exactly what I’d call strategy, by the way. You could be more subtle.
  4. Looking for the “Dark Apostle Vertigo” to add to my collection. I chose my race expecting to be a third party, but Retaliation saw fit to give me a town alignment. I suppose that’s because my goals align with that of Men.
  5. Ah, I see the Forces of Chaos are already looking to point the finger.
  6. Correct. That does narrow down your options, heretic. But keep guessing.
  7. I'm classified because my race, though I'm technically not a part of the politics and alignment surrounding it, could potentially be considered chaos. FRAYDO, on the other hand, specifically asked to be kept classified. I don't think that tells us anything about alignment.
  8. Might as well start the game at 6p edt tonight. Looking forward to this.
  9. Too serious Push. It’s just a portal reference.
  10. I've said it before and I'll say it again. If all teams have lost production structures, spawn a button in the middle of the map and respawn all the players on equal but opposite sides of the map. First team to get to the button and press it wins.
  11. Fine. "Oi mate, do you have your mafia loicense?"
  12. On the other hand, you could ask why Jeod is the only player who gets a classified subfaction. And the answer is:
  13. Sounds like GrayAsDf or something similar. Only one I can think of.
  14. It's still suspicious. Everyone's going to target me asap now. All part of the plan, though...
  15. *waits nervously for someone to notice I'm marked as <classified>*
  16. Maybe the next time this setup is run things will better, now that everyone here at least knows how it's done.
  17. Also, what's the point of adding subfactions to player signups? Aren't some subfactions so tilted on the morality scale that they would only carry certain alignments?
  18. Humble Bundle is offering Hacknet: DX Edition for free. It's a simulation-style game that sees you using UNIX commands to rise in the ranks of the "hacker community" as a white hat and destroy your mentor's ultimate hacking tool before it's used by "evil corporations". Pretty fun and a good exercise for your mind. Make sure you have a fast WPM speed! ? I own it already so if you're too lazy to go to humble bundle and grab a key, here's one for free: 834EM-AN5IA-T4EWC
  19. I know absolutely nothing about 40k so I'll take whatever is thrown at me and add a little Jeod spice to it.
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