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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. As Shade pointed out, Soviets lose if they're all destroyed. However, that doesn't necessarily mean Allies win. All faction win conditions are clearly stated in the D1 post.
  2. Without going into spoilers, I feel like the "correct" way to play through is to go red, blue, then yellow.
  3. The Silos are only a timed victory. If they are lynched or sabotaged, then Soviets can only win by the traditional "find all scum/tp" condition.
  4. @Killing_You, @Shade939, @OrangeP47, @ChopBam, @Coolrock, @Category 5 Hurricane, @Anon_Kat, @Retaliation, @FRAYDO, @Mojoman, @Louis
  5. DAY ONE Attention, comrades! Premier Romanov has ordered two nuclear missile launches to target the European Allied nations. This will eliminate any hope of a response to our strike in Chicago. Preparations for launch are underway--approximately five days from now (Day 5) we will be ready. Until then, ensure the Allies don't interfere with the launch schedule. The Soviets (town) are victorious if they eliminate all hostile factions or if the Missile Silos survive to Day 5 unsabotaged. The Allies (mafia) are victorious if they can match the day votes in numbers. Sabotaging the Missile Silos will simply remove the timed victory condition for the Soviets. If there is a third party, their win condition is classified. Day 1 ends in 48.5 hours and may be extended a further 24 hours based on activity and need.
  6. I was more concerned about your power/water situation, since those might take longer to come back after it warms up. But, since you both are able to access the net and haven't mentioned dying, I'll assume it's fine to start the game at the usual planned time--in 4.5 hours or so.
  7. This ice storm hasn't been as bad as last week, and so far I think it's only @FRAYDO who might run into issues with game starting today. FRAYDO, what do you say? I'm inclined to follow my previous rulings and not delay a game based on a sole player. Still would rather you be able to focus on yourself and family/friends than feel like you need to check into a game every so often.
  8. New Leaf, and I wouldn’t know either. I do know that whatever “fix” AC might give me, I already have it from Stardew Valley.
  9. I’m still waiting for the fad to blow over. I played AC on my DS and 3DS and both saves are just collecting dust now. I know I’m not going to commit to coming back so why bother purchasing the new one etc. Project Triangle got me looking at Octopath Traveler though...
  10. Three Houses is a fantastic game and it’ll last you a while if you’re tenacious enough to replay it four times or so. I haven’t been able to beat the dlc story yet.
  11. Welp Pyra/Mithra in Smash so we won’t be seeing Cat5 for a month.
  12. Yup. We had ours over the weekend with another Thursday, and fraydo came to mind re: Texas.
  13. Lots of crazy storms this week. How's everyone doing? Game can be postponed until next week if need be.
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