Alstar - Watched Category 5 Hurricane : Claims FRAYDO visited Cat5 (Watcher)
ChopBam - Attempted visit OrangeP47, redirected to Kamuixmod (Tracker)
FRAYDO - Attempted visit OrangeP47, redirected to Category 5 Hurricane :: Claims Cat5 is third party (Alignment Cop)
Killing You - Visited Nodlied
Voe - No action
Jeod - No action
Kamuixmod - No action (confirmed by ChopBam)
Nodlied - Visited Voe :: Claims hugs (but not roleblocking)
OrangeP47 - Attempted visit ChopBam and redirected to FRAYDO :: roleblocked FRAYDO's passive night action
Category 5 Hurricane - Most likely in a parallel universe until Day 3, phased out by his own doing (All-seeing Cop)
It looks like ChopBam is indeed claiming Tracker, as he placed a confirmation in his table about Kamuixmod. On looking back at Cat5's claim, he claimed to be a Detective (cop that finds alignment and role) rather than a rolecop, which is pretty OP for a town that also has an alignment cop, a watcher, and a tracker. I believe FRAYDO's claim for the time being.
##unvote FRAYDO
Killing You, what did you do to Nodlied? I wonder if Nodlied got a corrected PM...