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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I investigated KY and got Town.
  2. I have some thoughts, but it's true that sharing them too much would just lead to the NK sniping someone who's report is needed for the coordination to really matter, so I'll just leave it at I'm not self-investigating either.
  3. I'm not opposed. I'll change to ##no lynch because it seems we have consensus, more or less, and it was nothing personal against Voe. I'm not that attached to it.
  4. You're not the target you're a tool
  5. If I were Shade I'd be angleshooting so hard right now but I'm not because I have *integrity*.
  6. You should have let us pick our N0 targets.
  7. I mean, I'm town, but if Jeod made a pattern like that that'd be ultra-dumb.
  8. I'd prefer the updated chart not be kept as a Chop quote, so nobody mistakenly gets the impression that he actually said it at some point. In a game this small probably not a problem but it's just good form/practice in general.
  9. So you're proposing two no-lynches? That makes slightly more sense. I'm not going to back down on the scum read, and tbh there's not much you can do to convince me on it anyway, but it's not my primary concern at the moment. Choosing a lynch puts destiny in our own hands (See Voe being a convergence). That said, possibly coordinating our cop reports is probably out of the question, as whoever's scum could just kill where we're not checking, so that's also a concern.
  10. It's considered well known over an MU as a meta-tell. The fact that if we no lynch today we ARE at MYLO tomorrow, and you've missed this is troubling.
  11. The highlighted, taken in it's entirety, is generally a scum tell when you bypass discussion and merely state something's "interesting".
  12. No one said anything about it, but I felt the need to inform you of it anyway. The implication being if you're scum you're trying to get us to no lynch because it's advantageous to you. That's exhibit B-2. Exhibit B-1 is the fact that you didn't really seem to interact with the good points regarding actually lynching, you just laid out your case for a counter plan. Exhibit A is you slow rolling your peek.
  13. I think you need to try again. Also, if we were voting purely on who's scummiest, I'd probably vote for you, just so you know.
  14. Yeah, really good point. I'll start the train. ##Vote Voe
  15. I haven't played Sudoku in years.
  16. Killing Voe would give us the most information, and would also resolve one of the three people giving us a town report.
  17. Killing more people could possibly help us narrow down *what* cops people are faster, though, is the alternative. It's something I've been going back and forth over, and I'm not sure which to do. (I didn't play this game last time). That said, we have 3 people reporting a town result, and two people reporting a mafia result. Law of averages says that's one too many town results, unless the plain insane cop actually hit the mafia.
  18. I'm just gonna ask, why weren't you a bit more forthcoming with your peek ILTS?
  19. My report said Voe is town, but who knows.
  20. Community day is the 19th, but I'm busy this weekend for other reasons. If we started like Monday I guess I could play.
  21. If you need an extra player, I'll play, but otherwise, I'll let others go first (mildly busy atm)
  22. I've seen a kind of similar gambit (as scum in a no-communication scenario) on MU and it actually worked out pretty brilliantly.
  23. Don't beat yourself up too much. It was an interesting setup, and people flaking wasn't your fault. The focus on posts is probably good and a good change of pace for us and something we should do more often, but unfortunately I'm always the top poster and get scum read no matter what I do. In fact, as i told Shade before the game started, I was seriously thinking of deliberately hamming it up and seeming scummy even if I was town this game to give myself more cover as scum in future games, though I did not go this route in the end (but I still wound up scum read regardless )
  24. Honestly, probably should have voted me D1 then. I would have been apoplectic, but it would have given you the advantage.
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