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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I mean maybe there's three, but if so, when we're down to 1 v 1, I feel as if some of Shade's salt might be justified. In whatever game it was I was scum with Cat 5 recently I made a very similar argument in the scum doc but Cat 5 was not very sympathetic
  2. I actually forgot to add the key thought to that last post: Shade may have been lying is my point, and there's not 3 scum, and it's just Mojo.
  3. Well godfather but not Chop, because it's not me, and I don't think it's you. Unless it is you... Still... the correct choice is Mojo, and we'll be down to 1 v 1 tomorrow. Though honestly, while I can kinda see the ILTS logic with no communication at 3 v 3 and 2 v 2.... it doesn't really hold up at 1 v 1.... but regardless.... it doesn't change that Mojo is the correct choice. ##Vote Mojoman
  4. Honestly probably because Shade was the most likely to theorize, but he knew the real answer, so for once made a wise decision and actually shut up.
  5. I asked this question D1 and nobody really responded to it
  6. Huh.... I was going to say if Jeod didn't die, he was going to be an insane cop.... but, Chop died and was actually town.... well....
  7. I mean, nks will target town. We go for the safe mojo vote, and we're down to 1 v 1 regardless. It's the safe play. Anything else and we have a chance to screw it up. I mean, I know it's not me, but I can't decide between chop and KY. Likewise, for whichever one of you is town, you know you're town, but you realistically just can't make the call. We might as well just coinflip the game now.
  8. That's quite a 180 you've pulled. You're wrong though. I'd say I'd be happy to let you be the one to take the blame for losing the game, though, but you're probably going to be the one killed since you admitted to being the cop, so it will probably be down to me KY and chop tomorrow to decide the game. I'm down for voting Mojo as the "safe" bet and then.... hmm.... assuming there's a nk.... it'll be 1 on 1.... I guess we'll just know by that point who's who, no sense talking about it. Maybe Shade had a point
  9. So Jeod, you going to post that Chop ISO, considering you're probably the NK what with admitting to being the cop?
  10. Guilty of not being a morning person, yes
  11. I mean if you wanted to end the day *now* because you don't think the votes will change, fair enough. As long as daystart is 6 EST/5 CST.
  12. Also it generally takes me an extraordinarily long time to wake up and think clearly in the morning, IE I consider pre-10 am to be "too early" to do anything useful. The fact that I woke up at 6:30 am today non-withstanding.
  13. It's more that hammer is generally at the best possible time for me, so if we start doing weird day starts in the morning I might sleep past it and miss the action.
  14. I'd prefer if hammer times not be moved, but going forward I'd be down for 1 day days.
  15. Hammer is tomorrow, so you have plenty of time.
  16. Yeah good point, though with Shade admitting to doing the killing part of my reasoning for following this logic isn't there, but I do see the possibility that he could be a godfather if KY isn't playing the long con.
  17. I'm enjoying my free time to do other stuff
  18. I posted that pokemon card because it had the move "flail".
  19. Though TBH "mystery" and "3" scum does make a godfather seem possible at least.
  20. Given Shade spewed, I'd say there's a non-zero chance KY is now trying to play the long con.
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