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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I don't have a nickname, and there's nothing to suggest that's a feature of this game? Like I said pre-game though, I always act scummy, even when town, because the goal of meta play is to always be consistent, so I'm just me, and you guys scum read me no matter what, so here we are :P
  2. Oh good, he's agro back on Jeod now instead of me.
  3. My inner lawyer really doesn't like how weasely this is worded.
  4. Sorry to hear, December can be a brutal month for that sort of thing.
  5. But yeah I can play, assuming being a bit busy on the obvious days isn't a problem.
  6. Related, but I'm actually undefeated at Defcon.
  7. Depends on how lightweight. I'm busy on the actual holidays but would be relatively responsive on normal days in between. Might have some extra time too depending on how fast the bug gets fixed that bricks Poke Go on Android 6 or else we might not be going on family adventures as much either.
  8. I have my next CYOR role picked and want to use it before I forget what it is as per usual
  9. I've been working on it on and off. I sent some ideas to KY but have not heard back from him
  10. I mean to be fair I suspected, there just wasn't much we could do about it. The fact that he was *unsure* about KY was an asset to us in a way too and offing him would have taken away some of our possible leverage on that front.
  11. Maybe it's cause he's wise to me after doing it previously, but KY was formidable. I'll admit, I kinda hoped he would *just join us* but he didn't seem to want to do that :\ Also that Doctor was indeed a thorn in our side, and I probably would have stuck to my guns about trying to get KY voted yesterday if not for Chop's last minute series of posts.
  12. Ha, there's literally pages upon pages of Shade ranting in the design doc.
  13. Jeeze, I'm so entrenched in this I almost started arguing with you about how it works
  14. Cat 5 adopted the roles of who he killed, so when he tried to kill FRAYDO he knew his full profile, and thus it was communicated to me.
  15. I was just going to go with the strategy of saying you were wrong... forcefully.
  16. TBH I was up for still trying to get KY lynched the next day, but I feel as if I might have just been wasting everybody's time, so eh.
  17. TBH that's more relatatble to the current generation.
  18. I see nothing to be concerned about, other than the fact that nobody laughs whenever I post the movie poster for "The Big Bus".
  19. That's the trouble with Arsenal, they always try to walk it in. (What a dead final hour)
  20. It was celebrating the joke because I was too lazy to go find the sunglasses on meme.
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