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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I'm pretty sure the Cask of Amontillado is public domain, and it's like super short, so anybody can just go read the whole thing online.
  2. TBH I should have just called it the Guestbook, because Montresor started his journey at a Carnival Party, but for some reason I thought that would sound lame so I called it the Party Profiler.
  3. And like, a point everyone seems to be missing too, we're probably dealing with more than just the killer. Yeah nail the killer first, but we won't be out of the woods once we do so.
  4. Press X to doubt says the mason struggling to prove his innocence.
  5. I said this to KY early in the day, but statistically, it's not that unlikely Mojo was the kill. First we remove scum, as obviously they won't kill themselves, but we can't know who they are. (they might be repeated in the next pools though). Then we remove myself, Cat 5, and Louis, for being everyone's top scum read. Scum generally don't kill people who might get lynched instead. Then we remove FRAYDO/KY for being claimed neutral (or maybe TP). Then I'd go so far as to remove Sunflower, as being the obvious kill, and probably a trap set up by abilities that might not have been known at the time the kill was being made. That only leaves a handful of people, and it's really like 25% chance it could be any one of them, including Mojo. That's not a big chance, but it's not a small chance as if we were considering the entire playing field either.
  6. Mine's hiding no surprises too, but I guess it didn't hurt to check.
  7. The wording of my report makes it pretty explicit a masonry is involved in this heir process somehow I can't really be any more specific without like doing a direct quote which is probably against the rules.
  8. There should be a masonry involved. Is it automatic, or does the ticket enable it?
  9. I believe he's Voe. But if anything, that should just make us MORE wary of shenanigans. But yeah, it's a good point. Cat 5's pressing, or lack thereof to be more precise, has been seriously lacking.
  10. For what it's worth, my report on him doesn't specify this intermediate step of the ticket, but it's basically confirmed now, so, eh....
  11. I mean, if you're the doctor, you're probably the person scum needs gone the most, unless you have a secret
  12. I mean, masons have worked this way before. I'm not sure if it does or not.
  13. Like, I don't remember the specifics of how to get someone back, but I'm pretty sure voting them doesn't free them, so it's like holding them until we deal with them later. Like an actual night action would have to be used on them to free them (any night action).
  14. It's in case I find a baddy, as I've said. When I was more suspicious of KY I was thinking of putting him away, but for now I'm not.
  15. If KY cuts me off I'm done being a mason. I don't get another. I *do* get the last word, in that my sealing him away will take effect before him cutting me off, if I choose to do it, but that's not *exactly* getting a new ability, I'd argue rules-lawyer wise. That's something that's been here since the start, and if I don't use it I can't retroactively use it once my window passes. On item thiefs/Louis: You can do bad things to people besides kill them. I mean, if I'm just sitting here, minding my own bussiness with an item, and somebody comes and takes it away fro me, and the very least that's quite rude. Not very town.
  16. That would be a fairly standard distribution, but there's no way to be 100% on it.
  17. Well I'm talking about how the neutral/TP line is blury :P
  18. It is possible for there to be many kills. It's even possible for the scum to die at night! As for non town/scum people, I got a neutral read on FRAYDO, but I felt he's a bit more sinister than that. KY claims neutral as well. I guess we could fit another, but that might be pushing it. If we did, there might be only one scum.
  19. Are you responsible for the amulet? Are you third party?
  20. The pumpkin thing? I kinda ignored that. I guess we're even
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